Chisels & Bits - For Forge

Chisels & Bits - For Forge


blocks disappearing (not visible)

Closed this issue ยท 69 comments


Thank you for your hard work and time great Mods.
I'm using C&B 11.9 beta for this this is not happening in 11.7 as far as I can tell so far.
I'm using both Chisels&bits and Flat color blocks I have made a few new blocks using the mods together like a lantern also a glowing stone brick for pathways. But now I'm having a problem with the chiseled blocks visually disappearing but still "physically" there . I'm not sure how to show this to you but ill try to do some screen shots. I seems it might have something to do with the glowing blocks. This is more for your info then a complaint. If I can do anything to help you let me know.
1st pic no made glow block everything is fine
2nd is with a made glow block in a different chuck everthing is fine
3rd is with made glow block in same chuck as the house and now any C&B block is visually gone. It still acts like a block is there including the glow.
2016-08-06_12 42 32
2016-08-06_12 42 42
2016-08-06_12 43 [ ] 50


I'd like you to try a few things to see about ironing out what the issue is, please do the first before the second.

  1. Could you take a screenshot of your F3 screen with all the details, and post that.
  2. Could you try going into the mod settings screen and under "Client Performance" switch "Use VBO" to "NO" instead of "AUTOMATIC" and see if that changes anything.

The VBO did not help, sry. It did help on reload but has soon as I added more blocks I lost the again.

1st is info before adding made blocks w/ VBO automatic

2016-08-06_21 27 34

2nd is info after adding made blocks w/ VBO automatic
2016-08-06_21 27 48

3rd is info after adding made blocks and VBO no ... after reload

2016-08-06_21 38 23

4th is info after adding more made blocks and VBO no
2016-08-06_21 39 32

Hope this helps


Ok, so we learned a few things,

  1. That your game was not using VBO's anyway, so as it turns out that setting didn't do anything.
  2. Your blocks were visible when they were using the static rendered, and are not visible when using the dynamic renderer.

I've tested this in my world based on your description, and I've had no luck reproducing it.

So here is a new list of things to try and see whats going on.

  1. in the same menu as above select "Disable Static Renderer" as true.

This will force everything to use the dynamic one, that one that seems to be having issues. With this setting on compare your results with and without the glowing blocks, and try placing C&B blocks somewhere else.

Heres a list of the questions I guess we'll want answers to after changing this setting,

  1. Visible without glowing on building?
  2. Visible with glowing on building?
  3. Visible without glowing in other chunk.
  4. Visible with glowing in other chunk.

If it turns out that every one of these is no, try somewhere more remote, maybe the nether, or a reasonable distance away from the house ( far enough that its out of view distance ). Another world, or the nether would be preferable however. And once again, the same two questions, with and without glowing.

Hopefully this isn't to too painful.


Not painful glad to help

It'll be a few days thou will get back to you


Alright, just let me know the results when you get around to testing things.


I also had this problem but switching disable static render to true seams to have fixed it as far as i can tell. I'll so some more scouting around to see if things are fixed for me.

Edit: Nvm Still have the same problem but before i only had one block disappearing in a chunk now it's every chisel and bit block in a chunk


@weeryan17 In "A Chunk" or in "Any Chunk" aka when you changed the setting to disable the static renderer did all of your chiseled blocks disappear or it it localized to a small area?

If its localized to a small area its quite possible that your have something near by causing it to fail rendering the chiseled blocks. With the Dynamic Renderer.


@AlgorithmX2 so far i haven't been able to replicate it with any chunks again. So i can tell you for sure it has some sort of randomness to if it works or doesn't. I haven't done much playing so far so this might change an I'll update you if anything happens again.


@AlgorithmX2 Any chunk it seams it happens when the client is lagging and then skips the chisel and bits rendering for some reason. It also doesn't throw any errors.


@weeryan17 are you seeing the same behavior with and without the static renderer enabled?


@AlgorithmX2 no if i have static render enabled it only affects a block instead of a chunk


@weeryan17 Alright well that at least isolates the dynamic renderer as being key to the problem, if you can try There are some fixes for the dynamic renderer included and its possible things may have changed.


@AlgorithmX2 It looks like that might have fixed it, but i haven't done much testing yet. I'll get back to you if things break again but it looks like things are working now.


Ok, let me know how it goes.


@AlgorithmX2 and it broke again.
Edit: I also learned any bits placed in the chunk also don't appear.


Greetings from Germany

I had the same problem. After I installed Optifine, all Chisel and Bits blocks stay visible.
Hopefully this is an information which helps you to fix the bug.

(Please excuse my worse English.)


Unfortunately that doesn't help, as C&B disables the dynamic renderer when Optifne is installed ( it outright breaks the entire renderer. )


@AlgorithmX2 when in doubt add debug messages? maybe if you add debug messages to the render part of your code and then send me that version. I get it to be weird again and then send you my log. That's the only idea i have right now


@weeryan17 Problem is where and what to log? At this point our only real lead is that the issue seems like it is tied to the dynamic renderer, and possibly that lag might cause it to appear.

Just trying to log "everything" will just result in a 2 gb log file ( we are talking a bout rendering ) that isn't helpful, so before we can even try that approach we need more information on what the core problem might be.


@AlgorithmX2 from what i found it was something to do when a chunk loads sometime chisel and bits gets skipped. and then all current chisel and bits blocks and any placed later don't appear.


Which is rather unusual, since when you place or changea chiseled block it should force a re-render of the "dynamic render region" and for some reason in the case of this bug, it can't, or maybe it gets stuck some how...

Here is a question, does the problem affect only those chunks that failed to "render" on load? or all chunks after one that "failed on load"?

aka, if you try placing blocks after it happens in a second chunk or further away are those broken as well?


@AlgorithmX2 only the failed to render chunks


Sry I am back, I have been following you and weeryan17 (thanks for joining my hell, jk lol)
I try what you asked , to answer the 4 questions 1&2 are no 3&4 are no and yes it depends how many C&B blocks are in the chuck. It seems not to matter if it is glowing or not.
If i go far away and place enough ( seems the number can very as far as how many) it happens in that chuck too.


Thanks, so everything suggests that there is only one real bug here, and its with the dynamic renderer producing no results.. and getting hung that way for some reason.

The workaround for this would be to set "Minimum Faces for Dynamic Renderer" to an extremely large value, say 90,000"

I'll need to try and do more testing to see if I can reproduce it, any suggestions for a good way to do that, so far I haven't had much luck?


Huummmm ok try sending you my saved world?


If that building produces the issue reliably that might be a good option.


ok so the questions is how do we do that lol


Do you have Dropbox or a similar service? If not possibly sign up for one.


I have OneDrive let me work on it give me a few


@AlgorithmX2 Would you like me to send you my mod pack and world as well?


Also I think it has something to do with slower computers so if you could somehow slow your minecraft down that would probably help with reproduction.


@weeryan17 from your description it seemed like your setup wasn't triggering the conditions constantly, where as @Eaglexxv's world seemed to be more reliable on that front.

So for now I'll see about @Eaglexxv's World first, preferably the issue will only require C&B to test, as extra mods complicate the debugging progress in the IDE.

Inducing lag/stalls is another idea, I'll keep that in mind if the issue continues to prove elusive.


let me know when you have it and if loads for you.
you will getting a warning for a bunch of mods, but I have uninstall all but chuck edge indicator.


Just for your info. it also seams it doesn't fix it on a f3+a


That world was significantly larger then I was expecting. That said I finished downloading it. It loaded fine.

Unfortunately I've still had no luck reproducing the issue in question ( I found a totally unrelated on however, light updates where not re-rendering... )

I've tried introducing delays to the packets and rendering pipelines to try and aggravate things, however that has proved fruitless as well.

I've pretty much run out of ideas at this point.

You both can reproduce this issue with just C&B + Forge, just to confirm that there isn't some strange cross-mod interaction going on here.


@AlgorithmX2 ok will do. it will take me a while to set up just because i don't want to ruin my current world. I'll also try to see if i can get video of it for you.

commented fixes the lighting issue I found, but I doubt it will do much for the visibility problem, but we might as well be testing with the same version.

Thanks, let me know what you find out, I'm not sure a video will help, but I'll take anything at this point.


@AlgorithmX2 so when i went to just having chisel and bits installed it went back to affecting blocks instead of chunks....... so their still is a problem. Also interesting things happened in testing. i apparently can place bits in the missing block then when i remove it the block updates with the actual chisel design it should be


That's strangely inconsistent... Which version of forge are you using? I'll try switching to that version.


Yes yes it is I'm working on the video now


Ignore the messed up world. That's because i made a copy of my main world because i thought it would be better. I was right. Broke on 3rd try. Also chunks are hardly loading because i made sure my game was lagging by turning all the settings to max.
Also I'm using forge version


Hmm, the issue you displayed in the video appears to be an issue with the block itself failing to load from the server, that isn't simply a rendering glitch.

That's why you can try to place stone block inside of it, if it was simply a rendering issue placing the block would yield a stone block above the floor ( the part that you can't walk inside of ) And the fact that when you try to go into it shows that it is de-synced from the server thread ( since it keeps trying to kick you out. )


@AlgorithmX2 I have no clue. I let you work things out if you need me for any more testing just ask.


Just watch the video my problem is more like you explain @AlgorithmX2

@weeryan17 can you tell me how you did the video ?

my forge ver is


@Eaglexxv I used a program called fraps. it isn't free so if your looking for a free way to make a video i suggest obs (Open broadcasting software) or bandicam. bandicam you have to deal with a water mark if you don't pay for it but for something like this it should be fine. Hope in all this chaos we can solve this problem.


@weeryan17 I'm figuring that your original issue you were first describing wasn't the issue you demonstrated in the video?

Or was it the same? Where the blocks didn't seem to exist client side.

Based on what we saw in the video it seems like MC just didn't bother to send the data, but vanilla is responsible for that, so if anything it seems like that was some kind of vanilla bug manifesting under abnormally stressful conditions... I can't be 100% sure but are your experiencing that under normal conditions?

@Eaglexxv Where you able to try a copy of your world with only C&B and Forge?


@AlgorithmX2 weird stuff is happening so I have no clue what is part of what bug here. The big problem was I did reload all of my chunks witch should of fixed the issue but as you saw in the video it didn't. so the issue isn't purely vanilla unless vanilla randomly didn't send the data multiple times when it happened with other blocks. I think the chunk not loading problem is happening because of other mods because it stop when it was just chisel and bits installed. And somehow other mods don't like just chisel and bits. I think the individual blocks is a chisel and bits problem but I have no clue beyond it has a high chance of it being server-side


@weeryan17 So your seeing that missing block data issue commonly? Is it specific to certain blocks? Or entirely random? Your seeing that with a normal view distance setting?

I was finally able to reproduce the render issue, I threw Eaglexxv 's world in a 1.10 instance with other mods, I could then reproduce the issue.

Upon removing all the mods from that instance the issue stop reproducing however. This means that there is defiantly some cross mod interactions going on here.

At least I can test now however, There's probably a state being set by a second mod, that is causing C&B to be invisible. I wasn't really expecting that, but it seems to be the case none the less, the only issue now if finding out what that state is.


@AlgorithmX2 It's not common and it is random. my view distance during that test was set to max but I've had block specific stuff with static rendering on happen with a render distance of 5. also glad you where finally able to reproduce the chunk issue :)


I'm going to work on the chunk related issue some more by compiling a list of all the mod blocks within a "bad" chunk. If you manage to find the exact problem before i finish the list then yay! Hopefully this list will provide some info to help you.


I was able to reproduce the render issue with just journeymap and C&B.


@AlgorithmX2 hmm it must be multiple then because i don't have journey map. slow progress is slow


Its quite possible, i'm not sure what state is causing the issue yet, but once I track that down it will probably resolve for all of the mods using it.


Currently all of the chunks that were "bad" have contained tinkers construct stuff their so far hasn't been any other overlap in all the chunks affected. so a state in tinkers construct as well?


Hard to say for certain, since Journeymap for instance has no blocks, but it renders gui elements.

Once I work out whats going on with Journeymap we'll re-test to make sure its fixed across the board.


I did have tinkers construct also


So, I'm pretty sure I just chased my tail for like an hour, and I have no idea why I couldn't reproduce this without a second mod, since when I finally tracked down the issue it was actually a rather simple issue, one that had nothing to do with OpenGL or states, nor any other mod...

Without further ado, hopefully this build fixes the issue, please confirm,


Great job looking great been messing around with it for a few hours with everything is stable.
So I confirm that on my side it is fixed.
Hope I was more of a help then a pain in the ass ( but I do like being a pain in the ass)

if I asked what was the problem It seemed so wierd?

If I can help you in the future let me know


I just woke up so i haven't gotten to testing yet but by the sounds of it everything is fine (besides the server not sending chisel and bits blocks sometimes witch I'll probably make a new issue for).


Looks like it's fixed. ether that or I'm getting really unlucky making it happen again but i think it's fixed


@Eaglexxv the issue was that when I was adding VBO support I had to changes few things, one of those things ended up not getting a proper implementation.

So instead of a list with the block in it, it was just an empty list.

Thanks for the help @Eaglexxv, @weeryan17 I'm glad we finally got this fixed, I'll be releasing a new official build later today when I close this issue.


Hello, i have the same bug on 1.9, mod has been updated and after 10.19 (and 11.10) problem is solved. But i building a project using mods, that now released only on 1.9.4 max (or even 1.9). It possible to fix problem for version 9.21? Thanks.
Add: more info about problem manifestation here -


The bug in for this issue was resolved in which is a 1.9.4 build.

However the issue linked above ( #123 )
was another issue where certain blocks would fail to render, however the fix for that issue requires 1.10.

Its likely that if your already using v10.19 that your issues is actually #123 which requires 1.10
I can't back port that fix, since it requires changes not made in vanilla until 1.10.


Now i use MC1.9 but i using client only mode. (that's not server, my project specified for client side)


I will try 1.9.4 version with other mods on that, and will notify if i'll catch that problem.


@Dushess do you have a problem where a whole chunk isn't rendering or where only a few blocks are not rendering. if it's a hole chunk the it's probably this just not quite solved all the way. if it's individual blocks the your problem is covered in issue #123 with requires 1.10 to fix.


@weeryan17 based on the description ( ) the bug appears to affect 1-2 blocks when a chunk loads.

Which sounds quite like the other issue, and not this one.


Upd Info:
Installed same mod set for 1.9.4 - at this moment all fine (knoks the table x3), no chiseled block rendering glitches, no

[Client thread/FATAL]: Error executing task
java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.StackOverflowError
at Source) ~[?:1.8.0_40]
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.get(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_40]
at net.minecraft.util.Util.func_181617_a(SourceFile:46) [g.class:?]
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71411_J( [bcf.class:?]
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d( [bcf.class:?]
at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:124) [Main.class:?]
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_40]
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_40]
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_40]
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_40]
at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch( [launchwrapper-1.12.jar:?]
at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main( [launchwrapper-1.12.jar:?]
Caused by: java.lang.StackOverflowError
at ~[aht.class:?]
at ~[ase.class:?]
at ~[ase.class:?]
at ~[ase.class:?]
at ~[ase.class:?]
at ~[aht.class:?]
at mod.chiselsandbits.chiseledblock.BlockChiseled.getTileEntity( ~[BlockChiseled.class:?]
at mod.chiselsandbits.chiseledblock.BlockChiseled.isNormalCube( ~[BlockChiseled.class:?]
at ~[aht.class:?]
at ~[aht.class:?]
at ~[ase.class:?]
at ~[aht.class:?]

in log when player in this area, continue checking and hope that's stable condition.