Re-enter worlds make chiseled blocks to be invisible
Susjin opened this issue ยท 9 comments
Everytime i enter in my singleplayer world, all the C&B blocks in the chunk that i am became invisible, and i need to breake then all and place back
I only used colored blocks, none of then are glowing or transparent
Version? So only the chunk your standing in? Can you reproduce this in a new empty world?
Version 11.9; Yes only in the chunk that i am; yes happening in a blank world
This only started to happen when i updated to 11.9
Can you try https://dvs1.progwml6.com/jenkins/job/Chisels-and-Bits/8/artifact/build/libs/chiselsandbits-11.0.8.jar and see if the issue still exists?
If the issue persists please post your F3 screen.
You could also try "Mod Options->C&B->Client Performance" and change "Use VBO" to "No" and see if the issue continues.
I also tried this and I was unable to reproduce the issue, all the C&B blocks in the chunk i'm standing in are rendering fine.
Tried with version 11.0.10 and it worked, the chunk that i was when i left don't have any invisible blocks
Thanks for the help!!
Duplicate of #118