Chisels & Bits - For Forge

Chisels & Bits - For Forge


Crash when chiseling a security craft reinforced block

FewerElk opened this issue ยท 13 comments


All in the title. Not tested in solo mode.
No crash reports and the logs just stop before ; world correctly saved without the chiseling, player data not saved (rollback)
MC version 1.19.4, forge 45.3.0 .
Installed mods:

  • security craft v1.9.9
  • aether v1.4.2
  • Biomes O'Plenty v17.3.0.593
  • Chisel & bits v1.3.137
  • mc2discord v4.2.4
  • pehkui v3.8.2
  • Terrablender v2.3.0.22
  • Terralith v2.3.12

Will add on to this; currently playing 1.20.1 and from what I'm seeing, Chisel&Bits does not allow you to chisel security craft blocks as they do not have hardness. After using a tweaker to add hardness, it is now saying the block has a behaviour. So I assume because the block gets assigned an "owner" you cant chisel it. Unless there's a config option to fix it.

Would like to add that I too want to be able to chisel the blocks, is there a way to ignore if it has a behaviour? Or will I need to somehow tweak the behaviour out of it?

Before tweaking hardness;

After tweaking hardness;


Sorry for the wait ๐Ÿ˜…
I want to precise that the SC reinforced blocks are normally unbreakable, I think it would be cool to just avoid the crash and deny the chiselling of this kind of block except for the owner. All the sc blocks have an owner assigned, there isn't any option against it. If I remember correctly it can be accessed with the /data command.
I hope it is understandable... ๐Ÿ˜…

EDIT : about the behaviour I think that deny the chiselling for everyone is the best option.


well currently in 1.20.1 it tells me the block can't be chiselled as it's invalid, so maybe it wasn't introduced in the 1.19.4 version? And I have also talked to the owners of Securitycraft and unfortunately, there is no way to get it working.

p.s. Fingers crossed their Flat Coloured Blocks comes out for these versions;


Which block are you talking about ?


Any of the reinforced blocks


The reinforced blocks were introduced with the mod, the only reinforced blocks that doesn't exist in 1.19 but do in 1.20 are the 1.20 vanilla blocks. If you use reinforced dirt for exemple, does it work ? (The deny, because if the owner system is not working the best option is to deny chiselling of this blocks to avoid players to destroy other mods' unbreakable blocks mechanic, without any crash)


All of them do not work. Using the magnifying glass it tells you the reason, and when I try chiselling the block it either doesn't work or give me an error telling me it's not valid. The "behaviour" of the block is the "owner" tag so it will be impossible to fix,


I remind that I don't want to chisel the block but to avoid the crash when someone try to do it


Oh I see, interesting how 1.20 has a failsafe to stop someone from trying but 1.19 doesn't.


Is there a way to fix it in 1.19.x to prevent malicious player to crash my server ?


Unfortunately I think the only way is for them to add the failsafe option to 1.19. Otherwise you will have to drop one of the mods, or just hope no one maliciously does it (if they do you can always ban and rollback if needed).


In 1.19 you can add them manually to the blocking tag.

1.20 and above got many improvements again so that might be a reason why it does not crash there


How can I add them to this tag ?