Chisels & Bits - For Forge

Chisels & Bits - For Forge


(1.16.2 and up) Full block breaks if i move crosshair off of the block, then back onto the block

MelloLuvsPeen opened this issue ยท 0 comments


It happens when you are breaking bits and if your crosshair goes somewhere where theres no blocks then you go back to the block you are chiseling and break a bit it will break the entire block, it doesnt happen if there you move your crosshair to another block and back to the block you are cheseling. it only does it if you are moving your mouse, if you are flying and going up and down without moving your mouse it doesnt do it.

tried with multiple forge versions, resolutions, having just the c&b mod, different game settings and graphics software settings, and multiple versions of c&b, still having the same problem.

pretty sure its an issue with certain graphics cards or graphics software, i have a radeon rx580 with the latest version

versions with problems
mc:1.19.2 | forge:43.4.2 - 43.4.0 | C&B: 1.3.142 | Same Problem
mc:1.20.1 | forge:47.3.0 | C&B: 1.4.148 | Same Problem
mc:1.16.5 | forge:36.2.34 | C&B:1.0.63 - C&B:1.0.35-ALPHA | Same Problem, lags alot when chiseling no matter what settings
mc:1.16.2 | forge:33.0.61 | C&B:1.0.63 - C&B:1.0.35-ALPHA | same problem, lags alot when chiseling no matter what settings

versions without problems
mc:1.12.2 | forge: | C&B: 14.33 | No Related Problems

heres a video (i cant put the file here because its too big)