Chisels & Bits - For Forge

Chisels & Bits - For Forge


Tile entity data fails to load client-side when an excessive number of C&B blocks (~2500) are in the same chunk

Closed this issue · 2 comments

This structure will vanish client-side upon leaving the area and returning. It should be noted that it is not simply invisible, but rather de-sync'd; it has no collision geometry client-side, but will still snap you back if you walk into it. Additionally, any other tile entities in that chunk will not sync their data with the client by default unless the tile entity does so manually. Example: furnaces still work, but all skulls become skeleton skulls, signs lack text, banners become invisible, flower pots become empty, etc…

I'm half-wondering if this is a problem with having too many tile entities in general in the same chunk (not necessarily C&B), however the fact that it spams a stack overflow error related to C&B to my client logs upon loading this chunk gives me reason to believe that this error is on C&B's side, or at least that throwing an error during tile entity loading is what causes the chunk to "abort", and not simply having a lot of tile entities. Also interesting is that the server does not show any related errors. Using version 12.7 for MC 1.10.2.


Seems to work great! And stress testing it farther showed that it continued to work with half a chunk filled entirely with chiseled blocks!