Chisels & Bits - For Forge

Chisels & Bits - For Forge


Chisel and bits + command block ?

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So here I created doors through Chisel & Bits. So I wanted to know if it was possible to use the block controls to open the doors?
Thank you for your answers.


C&B lets you manipulate bits with command blocks if you want ( you can enable this in the config )

I'm not sure what else you are after here. and I am not familiar with command blocks, so I have no idea what you can do with them.

If your interested in doors in particular theirs another mod "Little Tiles" which lets you create doors, and a few other things with details like C&B does. I've never sued this mod however, so I can't offer anything else about it.


Yes, it is absolutely possible to use command blocks with Chisel to make functional doors. But it is a whole lot easier if you use structure blocks.

First, save a structure of your door closed, then open.
2017-04-11_00 27 06
2017-04-11_00 27 21

Next, hook your door button up to two structure blocks in Load mode. I am using a command block here with the command setblock ~ ~-6 ~ minecraft:redstone_wire 15. When I punch this button, the command block sets the redstone wire below to level 15 (like a torch is next to it). The jailDoorOak_open structure load block is immediately activated, and the repeaters put a delay in before the jailDoorOak structure load block sets the door to closed again.

2017-04-11_00 27 38
2017-04-11_00 27 47

And here it is working!

2017-04-11_00 28 03