Chisels & Bits - For Forge

Chisels & Bits - For Forge


Vanilla grass bits are grey

Opened this issue · 7 comments


2017-04-01_09 30 00


@PapiDimmi what is the pipe like object in the screen shot? are you using this in conjunction with MCMP? If so MCMP doesn't support this feature, please confirm.


@PapiDimmi There is a reason why the information is requested from everyone that opens issues. It's quick, easy, helpful, and not at all unreasonable to request. I'm curious as to the reason you resent the messenger for simply informing you that you should provide it.


what is the pipe like object in the screen shot? are you using this in conjunction with MCMP? If so MCMP doesn't support this feature, please confirm.

@AlgorithmX2 It’s the cable from Refined Storage. I just tested in a creative world, and this only happens when the cable is in the middle of a block.

2017-04-01_23 54 36

Is this a bug on Refined Storage’s part or on Chisels & Bits’ part?

There is a reason why the information is requested from everyone that opens issues. It's quick, easy, helpful, and not at all unreasonable to request. I'm curious as to the reason you resent the messenger for simply informing you that you should provide it.

@Phylogeny I always include that information in my issues, but I forgot it this time. It was merely a mistake.

I’m not sure what you mean by “resent the messenger.” If you’re asking me why I gave you a thumbs down emoji, that was a mistake. I meant to give you a thumbs up emoji.


@PapiDimmi Thanks for the response. Yes, that is what I meant. Curiosity satiated. :)


This isn't a bug with either refined storage, or with C&B, its simply because MCMP which is used to share the same block space doesn't support the coloration of parts

Which makes this a duplicate of #122


You have not included the required information for issues. Click 'New issue', then copy-paste and answer the required questions here.


Minecraft version: 1.10.2.
Chisels & Bits version: 12.12 (latest for 1.10.2)

Yes, I do have OptiFine (D7; latest) installed.