Chisels & Bits - For Forge

Chisels & Bits - For Forge


Chiseld blocks turned into ghost blocks you cannot remove

Underground0live opened this issue ยท 3 comments


After trying to chisel on an cable, the Game crashed. After reloading, many chiseld blocks changed into "ghost blocks". It is glitches when walking over it. You cannot destroy these blocks, and you cannot place a normal block at this place. But a chiseld block. When you replace the ghost blocks with chiseld blocks, they come back after reloading the world.

  • MC Version:1.12.2
  • C&B Version:14.8
  • Do You have Optifine: Yes
  • A cable from Refined Storage

I would suggest updating MCMP to the build that came out a few hours ago, I was not able to reproduce this issue.


I'm thinking this is also a duplicate of #310 but a slightly different result. Closing since I can neither reproduce the issue mentioned and believe it to be tied to the MCMP Issue.