Chisels & Bits - For Forge

Chisels & Bits - For Forge


Compatibility with /Dank/Null

mohler7154 opened this issue · 14 comments


I was wondering if it was possible to make chisel and bits compatible with the /Dank/Null allowing you to build with bits that are stored in it. This would make it possible to use the DankNull as a bit bag with auto voiding when you have excessive amounts of bits.


It seems that /Dank/Null is an inventory, is the only thing that I would need to do is pull out of it? Or would more coding be required. ( I have never used the mod and I don't know how it works )


Please try see if its working. Also please verify to the best of your ability that there are no duplication or voids in the process... except for the obvious intentional voids because of the /dank/null


Tested in a pack with just /Dank/Null and the jar you sent me. It works as intended and does not duplicate or void any bits. There does however seem to be an issue where the bits prioritize going into the players inventory before being picked up by the /Dank/Null, but i believe this is something with the /Dank/Null mod, not something from chisel and bits. Thanks for the fast response.


@p455w0rd Which event or logic are you using to detect items being added to the inventory?

I'm presently using, player.inventory.addItemStackToInventory to insert bits into the inventory until the inventory is full. I imagine since this fires no event its causing the problem.

If you can let me know which event your using I can probably sort that out.


This is the response I got from the developer for the dank null. Hope it helps as I'd love this fearure.

commented about 10 hours ago
The reason the /dank/null works with BBW is because portablejim added support for pulling items out of items that implement Forge's IItemHandler capability. This would be on AlgorythmX2 to add such support


That's what I meant by "it seems that it is an inventory."

I was merely asking that if I did pull bits out of /dank/null that it would be a complete solution, and wouldn't require for instance inserting bits into it, or anything else.


@mohler7154 I've updated the build above, please test and confirm that its working properly.


Works perfectly.


A little more testing and found a potential issue. When I use the positive chisel design to replace, it does add the bits that you are replacing into the dank null if they are in there, as intended, but once the dank null reaches the point where the bits are full, it does not allow you to replace the block. So it appears that when it reaches the maximum amount in the Dank Null instead of voiding them, it will not allow you to replace the block.


Disregard my last comment, the problem is that my chisel ran out and i did not notice. However, while the positive chisel design can put bits into the dank null, it cannot pull them out, it behaves as though you are out of the bits that are needed.


It took a while but this is officially release in 14.12 now.