Chisels & Bits - For Forge

Chisels & Bits - For Forge


Bits glitching out/invisible

HaniXP opened this issue ยท 5 comments


I made a long tiny block and placed on top right of the stone block.. and then i broke it with atomic disassembler, now the block didnt broke and its invisible and i am glitching out everytime i pass through it, and i cant literally find any way except using world edit to delete that invisible block completely , will there be a solution or a future update to fix this or i assume it's mekanism's problem and not to use the atomic thing?

EDIT : Nope, i dont think it is mekanism's problem, i also tried using a silktouch diamond pickaxe and repeated the same method.. it went invisible again and glitching out

Video : -

I have also 2 other things to say uhm,

Many people told me Mekanism is compatible with C&B, So that i can create facades for mekanism pipes using C&B.. is that true? ive tried putting a single bit next to the pipe and its not even working.. like c&b and mekanism pipes just dont connect to each other.. which means i have to place the bits 1 block away from the pipe.. that wont even look good for a facade tho.

& Also what's your thought on this ?



Solutions or any answer is appreciated.

For any bug reports please provide the following details as well,

  • MC Version: 1.12.2
  • C&B Version: 14.26
  • Do You have Optifine: Yes
  1. So any chiseled block you break with the atomic disassembler becomes like this? What about with a pick axe?

  2. Do you have MC Multipart installed? I believe it supports the mod, and C&B does as well, giving a layer of compatibility.

  3. The question of chisel, or CTM support for C&B has come up several times, and to my knowledge several people have tried it, I've even looked into it. I think that at this point its just too complicated for C&B, since the idea of "connected bits" and "connected blocks" are not equivalent. You can get lost in the details of how it might work, or could work. But from what I can tell, there's not really any good answers.

  1. Ive tried with a pickaxe as ive told on my 2nd line of statement.. same problem tho

  2. I had MC Multipart installed but i removed it because i was thinking that i no longer need it anymore since i have C&B.. just to save some space in the mods file for my modpack.

  3. Understood.

  1. So if I understand this correctly, it has to do with silk touch? I misunderstood your edit the first time I read it.

  2. MCMulltipart is the mod that provides the functionality, Meckanism and C&B have no support to one another, but by both supporting MCMultipart it enables them to share the same block space. If your wanting to use that then re-installing it should do the trick.


For the record, I tried with the silktouch pickaxe, and the atomic disassembler. I wasn't able to reproduce your issue however, the chiseled blocks break as expected and I can pick them up, and stuff.

I'd recommend checking your logs, its possible something else is causing issues, maybe crashing during the block breaking process in an event or something.


Thanks for the info, yeah it was just a diamond pickaxe with silktouch in it.. i will just see if i can provide a proper & clear detailed information about the invisible glitch part sooner or later when i encounter it again. ๐Ÿ‘