Chisels & Bits - For Forge

Chisels & Bits - For Forge


Wrench issue

Soma-81 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Using the wrench only rotates the block about the Y axis, not based on the face. I want to rotate a block so it's upside down, but even with aiming at the desired face as stated by the wiki, the rotation doesn't appear possible. I've tried loading C&N as the only mod to check for conflict and the issue persisted.

  • MC Version: 1.16.4
  • C&B Version: 0.2.9
  • Do You have Optifine: No

This won't be fixed sorry.

For now the wrench has been removed from the rebuild version.
The reported problem was due to changes in MC and without these being reverted I see no reason for the wrench to exist.


I'm experiencing this same thing too, previous C&B version though, so just to clarify this issue was in C&B 0.2.8 too.

  • MC Version 1.16.4
  • C&B version 0.2.8
  • Optifine: No

Experiencing many other bugs as well unfortunately.