Chisels & Bits - For Forge

Chisels & Bits - For Forge


Inventory/Dropped Block Previews are Invisible or Missing Texture

arisonas opened this issue ยท 5 comments

  • MC Version: 1.16.5, Forge ver. 36.0.46
  • C&B Version: chiselsandbits-0.3.3-RELEASE
  • Do You have Optifine: Tested with and without Optifine installed; issue occured both times

On the latest release, blocks that have been chiseled and then dropped/added to inventory have either no image or a missing texture image. The hover-over tooltip also seems to have the item ID instead of a cosmetic name in addition to this.

Apologies also if this is a known issue I missed or if this feature is no longer supported - I had gone back to the C&B build for 1.12 and saw that block previews worked fine there, so I'm assuming this is a newer issue. This was tested on a clean 1.16.5 build as well as a 1.16.4 build with no other mods installed besides Forge with the issue occuring on both.



C B Break and pickup

I am not able to reproduce this.


Did you try this with any other blocks? Going back, Magenta Wool seems to work fine, but trying it on a grass block or log block causes the mentioned issues.

Edit: After testing a little more, this seems to happen (to me at least) only for certain blocks; tested wool/stone/andesite/granite and their previews are fine. Tried dirt + logs and I get purple boxes on them, and for whatever reason no texture at all for grass.


Okey will try again tomorrow


Fixed in 0.3.4


Found the issue the item model is named wrongly.
Will fix.