Can't load the preview of chisel design(Positive/Negative/Mirror)
creamIcec opened this issue ยท 14 comments
- MC Version: 1.16.5
- C&B Version: chiselsandbits-0.3.4-RELEASE.jar
- Do You have Optifine: Yes
When I hold a chisel design(such as a positive chisel design) and face a block, I can't preview the chiseled block, which means the angle of this block I'm gonna place is invisible.
I tried to disable Optifine but this still happens.
Perhaps there is a hotkey to trigger it?How can I fix this?
same issue also if i did try use the design it would some times place it as stone if i tried to use it. 0.3.4 1.16.5 minecraft
also a issue with mirroring designs it wont combind with negative/positive, just gives out a blank design. The only way to see the outline of placing is by going creative and middle mouse the block you have made.
Hmm can you send me the log?
Sure, but I'm not sure which log. Server log or client log? Do chisel n bits have their own log file?
Sorry I just cleaned my logs a week before.
I'm gonna reproduce this bug and then I'll send the log.
It is strange when I tried to use the chisel design there weren't any logs printed.
I tried to search in the log file for anything about this issue but I can't find anything.
Sorry, I can't provide the log.
Please note this is for the 0.3.4 version of chisels & bits.
This will like not be fixed anymore in a 0.x version.
This will only be fixed in a 1.x rebuild version
Sorry no. 0.x is by definition out of support. Why is the new version impossible to work in?
Please fix this feature in 0.x, the 1.x version is impossible to work with for now.
Because with chiselsandbits-1.0.12-RELEASE-universal.jar
The radial menu is unreadable on GUI scale 2:
There is no region draw for larger areas.
It fills my inventory with bits eventho I have the bag:
Sometimes there is no preview shape at all (this should show a 1/2 size snapped rect):
Sometimes the preview is not placed on the surface I'm looking at but instead floating mid air:
It leaves ghost blocks (see Waila):
As a result I cannot place this line facing me:
(I'm not a fan of the new pattern system - I loved making designs on the fly and recyling them when needed - but that's more personal preference than a bug.)
Don't get me wrong tho, I love your mod - I've spent tons of hours chiseling decorations in the past. Right now, I'm not sure if I want to use it for this pack.
Why did you not report those things?
I can't fix stuff which i am not aware of
I only started using it today and considered but was too busy - and honestly, frustrated that I couldn't continue my project - so instead I reported that this feature is greatly missed in 0.x