Chisels & Bits - For Forge

Chisels & Bits - For Forge


Cannot interact with any block using C&B

BloodRedstone opened this issue ยท 7 comments

  • MC Version: 1.16.5
  • C&B Version: 1.0.11
  • Do You have Optifine: Yes

I don't know how or why, but whenever I attempt to hit or place bits with a chisel or otherwise, the block i am interacting with completely flashes invisible before reappearing unchanged.

I have a few mods and i am non a server, i dont think any of them should affect it because theyre mostly structure and mob pack mods

i wish i could give you more, but i dont have any idea how or why this is happening to me as others with identical mod folders dont have this problem


I am having the similar issue issue I was using chisel and bits and I died. After that I am unable to use the mod. I asked the server owner for the logs and he is stating there are none and he is also able to use it. Another bug I found is the chisel bag crashes my client anytime I try to pull chisels from it while placing down more than I have in my hand
update: deleting client files for c&b fixed the issue with being unable to interact with the mod for now.


so nothing is fixed yet, but i got the error OpenGL Error 1281 in chat from optifine when i tried to break a block this time


Optifine is known to cause this. Besides this i would need logs from both the client and the server (if you are on one)


so i dont know if this helps, but now ive removed optifine, and i still cannot chisel blocks or place chisel. (the blocks just dont change, instead of flashing transparent) i am on a server and i do not have access to server logs, ive also noticed that whenever the server automatically restarted i can chisel again for a bit before it breaks again, most likely a serverside issue somehow, just thought i should respond with this info


Then ask your server owner to provide the logs here.

Because I can reproduce this, and without the logs I am not sure how to help you......


I've been having the same problem. I ignored it and after a while it got fixed and I was able to place and break things. I left the server and came back after a few hours but it went back to not working.


Fixed in the newest release.
There was a bug with regards to timing.