Chisels & Bits - For Forge

Chisels & Bits - For Forge


All chiseled blocks are dark

jochemvdmeulen opened this issue ยท 10 comments


When a block is turned into a chiseled block, the blok immediately becomes darker and almost emits negative light.
All chiseled blocks that have a relatively small amount of bits removed are very dark.
There seems to be a relation in how many bits there are in a block and how dark they are.

This happens in a clean Minecraft instance without any other mods

Here you see the dark chiseled blocks:
2021-10-05_22 47 21

Here you see a similar structure in Minecraft 1.12: (Notice that the gaps aren't dark)
2021-10-05_23 00 22

  • MC Version: 1.16.5
  • C&B Version: 1.0.12
  • Do You have Optifine: No

Yeah I am running a test version which cleans up the configs internally.
But nothing more.

So I have no clue what the cause is.....
Let me do some testing, but I can't promise anything and it might in the end be related to something that is not under my control.


Interestingly my forge config file is different

Are we running a different version of forge or something else


I remodelled this and I was not able to reproduce this.
Can you do two things for me?

Make a screenshot of your graphics/videos settings.
And check if you have the forge pipeline enabled.


I looked up the forge light pipeline in the config file and found:
experimentalForgeLightPipelineEnabled = false
forgeLightPipelineEnabled = true

So I enabled experimentalForgeLightPipelineEnabled

Now when I load back into my test world, the lighting seems to be fixed. But when I break and replace any blocks it becomes dark again. However less dark then before editing the config file

Just after loading in:
2021-10-06_23 04 34

When I replace all blocks: (Note: I use middle click for copying chiseled blocks)
2021-10-06_23 04 20

Also here is a screenshot of my settings: (Yes i run my brightness in moody, but when I turn it to bright it is still to dark)
2021-10-06_22 30 55

here is a screenshot with the config disabled again with brightness turned to bright
2021-10-06_23 10 39


Can you see if you can reproduce this with chisels and bits only. And then send me your world.

Cause I don't get this at all and I think it might be related to model data somehow


Since the Minecraft instance I was using only has Chisels and Bits I just sent you the word where I have been testing in


Original freshly loaded into the world:

New one rebuild just as you described:

As you can see I don't have any issues like this.
My test graphics settings:
And these are my settings for the forge client:

As such I am not sure what the cause is.


Would it help if i sent over my whole test instance?

I use MultMC by the way


Also have you tried setting the brightness to moody?

And here is a new clean instance where I reproduced the issue:
I used the latest version of forge that i could select in the MultiMC options.


I did my best to fix this in the newest release.
There is not much more that I can do since I can not reproduce this on my end.