Chisels & Bits - For Forge

Chisels & Bits - For Forge


Auto-waterlogging bits blocks creates unwanted bits

Rodg88 opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Trying to chisel something solid next to a water source, the water floods the block with the bits (maybe when the top level isnt full of solid bits), creating unwanted water bits. It's quite hard to clean up the water bits, you need to pick them up which fills your bits bag (you can't mine the water bits block without spending a minute just mining the block), and trying to place the water bits to make a full block is very laggy.

For simplicity, I'd say just disable auto-waterlogging, and leave it up to the user if they want to make water bits manually.

For any bug reports please provide the following details as well,

  • MC Version: 1.16.5
  • C&B Version: chiselsandbits-1.0.63.jar
  • Do You have Optifine: No

The problem is that this was a highly requested feature....
I might consider making it an optional feature.


haha, well fair enough. maybe just letting a tool break water bits quickly would help? As it is, it's hard to 'tidy up' afterwards as there isnt a tool that effective against it. edit or requiring right clicking a bucket on the block to waterlog, the vanilla way, could work too?


haha, well fair enough. maybe just letting a tool break water bits quickly would help? As it is, it's hard to 'tidy up' afterwards as there isnt a tool that effective against it. edit or requiring right clicking a bucket on the block to waterlog, the vanilla way, could work too?

Sadly this is the vanilla way....
I just implement its interface, you can test it with stairs: Water can flow into them. C&B follows the same logic, if you do not want water to flow into them then that side has to be completely filled with bits. I might consider allowing you to click them with a sponge to void all fluid bits inside them....


I see, unfortunate. The sponge idea could be handy. I just spilled some water next to my fish tank with a thin bits housing, and it soaked up the flowing water lol


Fixed in latest, right click with a sponge