- 1
Block changing color when selected by chisel
#491 opened by ricey125 - 6
Cant match two blocks with biome colors when Chiseled
#492 opened by ricey125 - 3
Creating Cake-like Foods
#493 opened by AwesomeNoob999 - 4
Missing chiseled blocks and bits when pasting
#494 opened by MPNanKing - 11
moving to 1.12.2 from 1.10.2 - chiseled blocks become invisible
#496 opened by xemnes - 4
Can not place finished works
#497 opened by Depliix - 2
Not uppdated
#498 opened by IngLolVonAnka - 0
Crashing on block break
#499 opened by Myth-1300 - 3
Can't place bits, and chiseling blocks (kind of) doesn't work.
#500 opened by Slurpiee - 0
Unable to properly break bits in Vivecraft.
#501 opened - 2
Tape measure text doubling
#502 opened by Poetgetic - 1
Vehicle mod for chisels and bits
#504 opened by terralord223 - 3
Bit documenation : Question
#503 opened by NanoCE - 2
Chisel and bits mod not showing up and not loading into minecraft
#506 opened by KawaiiBoy63 - 0
The light blue bit bag is titled chiselsandbits.color.light_blue
#505 opened by aaronhowser1 - 1
Pixelmon crash
#507 opened by Quailed - 2
There was a severe problem during mod loading that has caused the game to fail????
#508 opened by DankSaNiK4Life - 0
Invisible forcefield around all blocks I try to Chisel while using Chiseled Me
#509 opened by DankSaNiK4Life - 0
[Enhancement] Interacting with Bits
#510 opened by TheEggi98 - 3
The game crashed whilst there was a severe problem during mod loading that has caused the game to fail Error: net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoaderExceptionModCrash: Caught exception from Chisels & Bits (chiselsandbits)
#511 opened by Jeremy5909 - 1
There was a severe problem during mod loading that has caused the game to fail.
#512 opened by pamaguin - 1
When a bit is placed on a block or when a bit is broken from a preexisting block the texture disappears and is non existent, all that is there is a purple and black checkered block.
#516 opened by EchoEarth - 3
Chiseling causes Textue block to go missing (purple & black)
#513 opened by MaDD26 - 3
1.16.3 Failed to start up because ChiselAndBits 006-Beta license is missing...No Optifine
#514 opened by Neuron67 - 1
Chiseled Spruce Wood behaves like water
#515 opened by xJon - 2
missing licence info
#517 opened by Legomoonman - 2
Just a quick question, will this mod be ported to 1.16.3 eventually? Didnt know where else to ask this
#518 opened by Scapulaunit12 - 3
Texture dont loading with Optifine and/ game crashing after clicking on chisel and bits TAB
#519 opened by ThereWeAre - 1
[Feature Request][1.12] Larger Bits (1/2^3 instead of 1/16^3)
#520 opened by in-tension - 1
JEI and Chisels & Bits crashes in 1.16.3
#521 opened by rehwinkel - 1
Config comments are unlocalized
#522 opened by NielsPilgaard - 1
Breaking a chiselled block causes the game to crash
#523 opened by vinnyg0621 - 0
[1.16.3] The Radial Menu crashes client & server (?)
#524 opened by Gbergz - 1
When opening the game with the mod installed the mod fails.
#525 opened by IMakeRobits - 0
[1.16.3] Game crashes while trying to rotate a chisel design
#526 opened by sebibauklotz - 0
[1.16.3] undo and redo doesn't work at all
#527 opened by sebibauklotz - 0
[1.16.3] Some functions of the radial menu like connected material or plane doesn't work
#528 opened by sebibauklotz - 3
breaks private
#529 opened by vadim908 - 3
Crash when opening C&B tab in creative inventory
#530 opened by Alex33212 - 1
[1.16.3] Missing license info
#531 opened by boltyboi - 0
Positive chisel Design fails to place
#532 opened by ShyNieke - 1
Missing Lisencing Information
#533 opened by IMakeRobits - 3
missing texture
#535 opened by Likour - 0
Pushing a chiseled block with redstone causes a client crash
#534 opened by Gazzoo-byte - 2
Glass cannot be chiseled
#536 opened by Haerar - 8
Radial Menu won't work
#537 opened by bigpotatosalad - 0
While trying to load the mod, the launcher crashes
#538 opened by tree12345678 - 16
Performance concern 1.16.3-1.16.4
#539 opened by IchigoGames - 3
chisels and bits 1.6.4 IS BROKEN
#541 opened by Rockstar87 - 8
Not Up to Date
#540 opened by FeelsWasTaken