- 8
COFH energy api outdated in 1.18
#113 opened by Surrogard - 2
Changable light level in machines
#114 opened by Surrogard - 6
Trees break compactmachines walls
#115 opened by HanatakeYurii - 6
Death upon enter a CM with RFTools installed.
#116 opened by GeoZakum - 3
Crash when on ladder while holding personal shrinking device.
#117 opened by lehjr - 4
Input only/output only/disabled modes
#118 opened by SoniEx2 - 2
Did you try and create a stack for an unregistered fluid?
#119 opened by Schiratz - 4
Allow respawning in CMs if there is no bed in the players current dim
#120 opened by davenonymous - 6
Compact Machines gas I/O Crashes
#121 opened by juniorjunior - 2
Feature Suggestion: SleepChambers
#122 opened by K4N0 - 3
Feature Suggestion: Locked Compact Machines
#123 opened by K4N0 - 5
Something Very Wrong. Multiplayer
#124 opened by K4N0 - 0
Make a config option to disable biome adaptation
#125 opened by davenonymous - 6
Compact Machine Not setting location.
#126 opened by K4N0 - 1
Lucky Blocks break machine walls
#127 opened by Deathdroid65 - 1
Opening IO buffer crashes the server
#128 opened by Deathdroid65 - 5
Allow entering machines via the GUI
#129 opened by K4N0 - 4
#130 opened by JCBurnside - 3
crash when placing CMs
#131 opened by abdullamu - 2
Add some sort of spawn protection
#132 opened by davenonymous - 1
Fluid Registry Corrupted
#133 opened by randysdoom - 3
[Suggestion] Change wording on entanglement error
#134 opened by xenoflot - 0
firepack crash, i sent fireball1725 a message aswell
#135 opened by reapersremorse - 5
Random Things spectre issue
#136 opened by tgstyle - 4
Bungeecord issue with Compact Machines Dimension
#137 opened by devryb - 6
Tier Rework
#138 opened by Alzarath - 0
Ender IO crashing with CompactMachines
#139 opened by taise007 - 4
Crash on attempt to enter a Machine
#140 opened by tylerk196 - 11
Compact Machines won't Auto-Chunkload
#141 opened by Selim042 - 1
I lost my machine block
#143 opened by LucianChirca - 1
Recipe config options for EnderIO/ThermalFoundation
#144 opened by davenonymous - 7
Sounds for entering/leaving ...
#145 opened by davenonymous - 1
Add the ability to disable IGWMod support configuration mod
#146 opened by Tsyklop - 4
compatibility bug with Applied Energistics 2
#147 opened by ven8 - 6
Limit how player exits compact machine
#148 opened by Soloist1twitch - 1
AE2 channel loss inside machine.
#149 opened by RebaLynn1960 - 1
World crashloop, already existing connection
#151 opened by Saereth - 2
Ability to shrink yourself in the CM dimension
#150 opened by davenonymous - 2
redstone input/output
#152 opened by anar4732 - 7
Apllied Energistics uptime
#154 opened by deathglow - 10
Compact Machine on server with plugins
#155 opened by landerf - 3
Bigger machines?
#157 opened by WeaselOnaStick - 2
Mob Spawning
#156 opened by Solidflip - 1
Ability to destroy CompactMachines walls in Survival
#158 opened by Spazzze - 5
Crash on NEI recipe
#160 opened by Corvorosso - 2
cpw.mods.fml.common.LoaderException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: dan200/computercraft/api/peripheral/IPeripheral
#161 opened by kadamgreene - 10
Crash on startup
#162 opened by pascalo7 - 2
Inventories inside Compact Machine not connecting to EnderIO Item Conduits
#163 opened by JDreessen - 3
/setCMCoords not working
#165 opened by tylerspencer237 - 5
Entering/leaving machine deletes xp levels
#164 opened by boundingstar