Connecting lost, illegal packet received, terminating connection
RuiRayZ opened this issue ยท 19 comments
Describe the Bug
When playing in LAN mutiplayer game, suddenly got kicked out the game. Tried running create with/without other mods, same result. This happens randomly.
Reproduction Steps
- LAN mutiplayer game, server and client all have create mod installed
- Playing
- Randomly got kicked out for received illegal packet
Expected Result
illegal packet received, terminating connection
Screenshots and Videos
Crash Report or Log
Attached logs in Below
Operating System
Windows 11
Mod Version
Minecraft Version
Forge Version
Other Mods
Additional Context
Why was this closed as not planned? Isn't this a bug?
this is definitely not a bug on our side, many have said rubidium causes it and i am unable to reproduce it.
Addtional info:
I also have this issue with only Create installed
Below are the two lines that always appear in the log
[Netty Client IO #3/ERROR]: Received empty payload on channel create:main
[Worker-Main-9/ERROR]: Signature is missing from textures payload
I test it again with latest forge version(43.1.32), here are the logs:
I also have this issue with only Create installed Below are the two lines that always appear in the log [Netty Client IO #3/ERROR]: Received empty payload on channel create:main [Worker-Main-9/ERROR]: Signature is missing from textures payload
I test it again with latest forge version(43.1.32), here are the logs: latest(LANServer).log latest(Client).log
Same as me. I also tried only ran with Create.
I've been experiencing this bug as well. Nearly impossible to play multiplayer.
im having the same issue #3993
Same issue happening. On Create version 0.5.0f and forge 43.1.1 instead of what the original post said. I also have a couple other mods, but the issue persists with just create installed. If my list of installed mods is helpful to someone, I am happy to give them to you, I just don't feel like posting it here.
found the problem in my case, optimization mods (optifine, rubidium, etc...) crash whoever is playing on the world, but dont give any problem to the host, so i stoped using LAN, created a server and didnt put rubidium on the server's mod folder
Oh thank you for the temperary fix! I was actually just pondering if that would work, or would just kick both people. Thank you ChangeOtaku!
it isnt really "temporary", as long as the host (player on LAN or server) doesnt have these types of mods, it will work
Hmm. Other people have reported that it still has this issue without any other mods though.
oh, sorry, i meant that if this fixed it for you, it isnt temporary, if it didnt do anything for you, then the problem in your case is another... and i imagine some people probally didnt mention some mods for beign "insignificant mods", i dindt even consider rubidium to be te problem for some time because it was a very small mod
Same thing, occurs even if neither guest nor host are running any mods other than Create.
Same thing, occurs even if neither guest nor host are running any mods other than Create.
if you only have Create, try using this mods, they may help you:
Ill try that ChangeOtaku. I tried using a server instead of using lan and it worked fine. Part of my inventory textures seemingly randomly goes away, but I think thats a client issue. Using a server is much more playable for anyone having this issue.
Ill try that ChangeOtaku. I tried using a server instead of using lan and it worked fine. Part of my inventory textures seemingly randomly goes away, but I think thats a client issue. Using a server is much more playable for anyone having this issue.
Did this work for you?
Is this the same issue as the following?
I comment here the same thing there:
The same issue occurs when I play the mod pack The Winter Rescue.
After placing a Speed Controller, this starts happening more often.
When I remove a Speed Controller, this no longer occurs very often.
It seems that some items cause this issue and we can reduce the frequency by not using them.