- 1
Model Failed to load
#19 opened - 1
can't ask for password reset on
#16 opened by zerustu - 0
particles size parameter doesn't work
#17 opened by zerustu - 1
model.isFirstPerson() output false when walking in first person
#18 opened by zerustu - 2
crash on game startup
#20 opened by xanhelix - 1
entity.getAnimPosition and entity.getAnimSpeed return 0 every other call in the update function
#21 opened by zerustu - 1
fabric version crash when equiping armor on custom model
#22 opened by zerustu - 5
About 1.12 version
#23 opened by kappa-maintainer - 0
pixelmon crash
#24 opened by benjistrus - 0
no "open skin editor" option in the main menu
#25 opened by RyungoesBRRU - 3
no "open skin editor" option in the main menu on TL
#26 opened by RyungoesBRRU - 3
Can I use blockbench
#27 opened by Herewegoagainandagain - 2
Suggestion: custom servers
#1 opened by SuhEugene - 1
NullPointerException when trying to render attachment with empty list
#2 opened by SupersonicNK - 2
Mysterious CTD when opening the mod UI
#3 opened by TheHopelessThrumbo - 2
Aiming is borken with MrCrayfish's Gun Mod
#4 opened by juraj-hrivnak - 1
entity.getLimbSwing() and entity.getAnimPosition() are switch with entity.getAnimSpeed()
#5 opened by zerustu - 1
Don't nest cloth config.
#6 opened by K0-RR - 1
entity.getPose() is a few frames too slow, making it unviable to use it for custom sneaking poses
#7 opened by floral-qua-floral - 1
entity.getBodyYaw() returns extremely unusual results
#8 opened by floral-qua-floral - 0
Request: entity getArmourItem functions respecting Cosmetic Armor Reworked mod
#9 opened by floral-qua-floral - 1
Request: An entity function to check if the entity using the model is currently on a ladder (or other climbable block)
#10 opened by floral-qua-floral - 1
First person left hand renders as a copy of the right hand, with inappropriate positioning
#11 opened by floral-qua-floral - 5
Unable to use models on vanilla servers
#12 opened by Cart555 - 2
[request] make the mode client side
#13 opened by zerustu - 1
unable to open the GUI in a vanilla server if it was previously open in a single player world
#14 opened by zerustu - 2
server crash during map loading with CPM
#15 opened by zerustu