Updated 2 years ago
Created 3 years ago
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Diamethyst prismarine weapons, tools, and armor.
Items that can be crafted from prismarine and diamethyst.
Diamethyst emerald weapons, tools, and armor.
Items that can be crafted from emerald and diamethyst.
Diamethyst iron weapons, tools, and armor.
Items that can be crafted from iron and diamethyst.
Diamethyst Crystal Recipe
Craft a diamethyst crystal from amethyst and diamond.
Diamethyst Golden Chainmail Horse Armor
Alternative Diamethyst Crystal Recipe
Craft a diamethyst crystal from diamethyst shards.
Diamethyst netherite weapons, tools, and armor.
Diamethyst diamond Items that can be upgraded with netherite ingots at a smithing table.
Diamethyst gold weapons, tools, and armor.
Items that can be crafted from gold and diamethyst.
Diamethyst diamond weapons, tools, and armor.
Items that can be crafted from diamond and diamethyst.
Diamethyst golden, iron, and copper chainmail armor
Items that can be crafted from gold, iron, and copper chain links, and diamethyst.
Diamethyst emerald weapons, tools, and armor.
Items that can be crafted from emerald and diamethyst.
Budding Diamethyst
A budding diamethyst growing diamethyst clusters inside an amethyst geode.
Diamethyst Shard and Arrows
Diamethyst Copper Horse Armor
Diamethyst Copper Chainmail Horse Armor
Diamethyst copper weapons, tools, and armor.
Items that can be crafted from copper and diamethyst.
Diamethyst Scimitars!
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Diamethyst crystal, block, dust, bow, and potions.
Diamethyst crystal, and a selection of other items from the mod.
Diamethyst Iron Chainmail Horse Armor
Diamethyst lapis weapons, tools, and armor.
Items that can be crafted from lapis and diamethyst.