- 1
[Suggestion] Flux/Fluid Gate GUI
#293 opened by zzApotheosis - 7
[Important] Dumb entities
#292 opened by ArcasCZ - 16
Strange numbers in log
#291 opened by ArcasCZ - 5
Instantly die with draconic armor on against Chaos Guardian?
#290 opened by jakegiven - 1
opaque block custom render problem?
#289 opened by cwage - 1
[Suggestion] Remote interface
#288 opened by UntoldForce - 1
Draconic/wyvern armor slows down mining
#287 opened by SkinHeadBaby - 4
Draconic dislocator portal crashing game on login
#286 opened by joao9856 - 13
cant get souls in creative
#285 opened by Ganboo - 1
energy efficiency upgrade
#284 opened by shadoxxhd - 15
Avaritia Sword of the Cosmos Draconic Armor penetration "Fix"
#283 opened by DracoScythem - 3
Playing 1.7.2 Project Ozone, has DE in it. HQM Remove all lives when dying against chaos guardian
#282 opened by koalalord9999 - 1
Soo, why is this still a thing? Or is it inescapable?
#281 opened by koalalord9999 - 2
Enhanced Charm of Dislocation Crashing When Adding Location
#280 opened by nightstick24 - 4
Can not charge my energy core multiblock
#279 opened by Assaro - 1
shield sound option *possible feature request*
#277 opened by m1jordanallen - 3
Draconic Evolution 1.0.2 Requires PlayerAPI
#276 opened by Acters - 3
Upgraded Tools don't charge beyond 1 MIL RF
#275 opened by RiverChief - 2
Big non-control spawn
#274 opened by Neuromantix - 5
Stabilized Spawners doesn't work when chunkloaded
#272 opened by Mythilily - 9
Client crash to server select screen when changing profile with hotkey
#270 opened by AryuSyrius - 8
Not working reactor. Seems isn't a TE. DE 1.0.2 RC 2
#269 opened by BlazingGamer - 4
Particle Generator as a computer component
#268 opened by GunArm - 1
Hud elements not showing
#267 opened by Fluoxi - 1
No rapid fire after bow rewrite?
#266 opened by olagarde - 1
Removed Spawners keep spawning entities
#265 opened by Slind14 - 3
[Suggestion] Hover mode (lock flight) keybind
#264 opened by p455w0rd - 4
Bow error 1.0.2-Snapshot_11
#263 opened by robertwsf - 1
- 3
Super important issue
#261 opened - 2
Computercraft API Documentation
#260 opened by BlackTigers - 2
Decorative Chaos Crystal?
#259 opened by CaptainMegavolt - 4
Armor returning to inventory
#258 opened by huntera3 - 3
Chaoz Guardian attacks creative players and KILLS them!
#257 opened by BlazingGamer - 2
Draconic armor - faster slowing movement during flight.
#256 opened by VerisZG - 1
Equipping Draconic Chestplate Returns Internal Server Error On Multiplayer
#255 opened by chaNcharge - 1
Just FYI
#254 opened by Fortist - 2
[Informative] Some TE's with no updateEntity override
#253 opened by spannerman79 - 3
Client fails to connect - PlayerCapabilities.func_75092_a(F)V
#252 opened by fishloaf - 1
Hill Step bug with half slab steps
#251 opened by jackodsteel - 4
several suggestions
#250 opened by shadoxxhd - 1
client dimensions bug
#249 opened by timmmmeh - 2
Flux Capacitor drains super fast
#248 opened by cj89898 - 1
Obsidian bug with pickaxes
#247 opened by Antillar - 1
I'm bored fighting the Chaos Guardian
#246 opened by Leasara - 2
[Energy Core] Energy dissapeared
#245 opened by Sheldor5 - 3
"Draconium Infused Obsidian" Dupe Bug
#244 opened by UnPure - 1
Draconic armor don't remove mining slowdown with AetherII mod
#243 opened by ArthixFR - 9
Chaos Guardian unkillable on servers
#242 opened by Antillar - 2
[Suggestion] Uncharging Draconium Blocks
#241 opened by Awsumonium