- 1
Translation to Chinese Simplified
#2 opened by EDGW - 1
- 1
Broken Zombified Texture (1.19.2)
#5 opened by FCWYzzr - 3
Crash on village generate
#6 opened by kuolemax - 2
Config on Structure Generation
#7 opened by HeXiaoYou - 1
Train station nbt is too large and Miner nbt is too low
#10 opened by TelepathicGrunt - 4
broken texture Zombie Villager (Miner) (all you mod)
#8 opened by kitovoi111 - 2
Fatal Error caused by This mod
#9 opened by Caldeiradas - 3
Village Train Station Using Outdated create:andesite_bricks Block in Jigsaw Crash
#11 opened by liopyu - 1
Create ru_ru.json
#13 opened by RemVan - 1
Train Mechanic house in plain village empty?
#14 opened by michalcz17 - 4
Update to 1.20.1?
#15 opened by asodugf12 - 4
Source missing?
#16 opened by foobazbar123 - 1
Villager not counting spout as a workstation and just wandering around
#17 opened by PeppeDM959 - 2
Vietnamese pls
#18 opened by kienerxyzzy - 1
Unemployed Villager not accepting Hydraulic Engineer profession.
#20 opened by MarcusTheAlbinoWolf - 0
Missing train interior in plains village
#21 opened by MaddyMarv - 1
Dynamic Villagers doesn't support Enchantented Machinery
#23 opened by IdrissFPSpro - 0
1.20.1 prints lots of errors
#24 opened by Shadowblitz16 - 3
Villager won't use drill to be miner.
#25 opened by robokillerere - 1
#26 opened by MayuruiKid - 0
Constent crash on my server
#27 opened by JkerGang