- 2
Brick wall (hold in hand) texture issue
#2 opened by touhouzun - 2
[Suggestion] Add config to change biome rarity.
#1 opened by TheMagicalSC - 1
Red rage issues on servers FIXED 0.7
#3 opened by ThsHaunted124 - 1
Ashed king fortress enemies causing server crashes
#4 opened by ThsHaunted124 - 2
Conflict with extra golems
#5 opened by Kuwagumo - 1
Crash due to "MapGenKingFortress"
#6 opened by B-Wither - 2
Ashen King summon using the crown causes a crash on servers
#7 opened by vianZIP - 1
Custom Skybox causes crash on Server
#8 opened by AechtRob - 1
Crash starting the game
#9 opened by XvaleX10 - 1
Not an error, but a request
#10 opened by Nekonaro - 2
Nuke crashes server
#11 opened by xskutsu - 1
Incorrect operation of the mod
#12 opened by s4dem0girl - 2
Cordium Axe & Lustrian Axe share the same config setting.
#13 opened by Norfried - 0
[Suggestion] Expanded configuration for Mini-Nuke behavior
#14 opened by xskutsu - 0
IllegalArgumentException: The weight for random collection is invalid: Infinity
#15 opened by MasterEnderman