End Expansion - The Lamented Islands

End Expansion - The Lamented Islands


End Expansion

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End Expansion is a mod that aims to bring more end game material to the End, while keeping the desolation feel the End has and at the same time adding things to do.

What this mod adds on a basic level?

: A new biome, the Ash Wastelands : 2 new bosses, both should be prepared for prior : 3 new mini-bosses : a new faction of enemies, the Knight Household : 2 new creatures for the Ash Wastelands : 4 new creatures for the base end biome (Some are restricted to structures) : A plethora of new blocks, contraptions, and utility machines : Items related to progression, and trinkets, and weapons : 2 new armor sets, both requiring different ways of obtaining them : A guidebook that holds all the information for the mod

Following this release?

There will be no more major content updates for this mod, it already has exceeded my vision. However, bug fix updates and or graphical and optimization updates will come following this release.

Other projects to go check out : Depths of Madness, Deep Below, Beast Slayer, Dungeon Additions

Who we are? Just some simple mod creators that like to add a focus on exploration and creatures with a side goal of tying Minecraft's progression together through enemies.

This branch is for forge 1.12.2