- 3
Energy conduit does not take power from thermoelectric generator Immersive engineering
#3809 opened by TheMrCaveman - 0
[1.10] Location Printout can't be crafted + They crash
#3810 opened by Larandar - 1
[1.10] Additional hoes to add
#3811 opened by b0bst3r - 1
Killer Joe
#3812 opened by maxiboy211 - 2
[Question] What is the preferred method for changing core EnderIO alloy recipes?
#3813 opened by utoc - 1
Fluid Conduit and lightning
#3814 opened by excelmad - 2
Not All Hoes in Farming Stations Work
#3815 opened by Darkosto - 3
Console/Log Spam
#3816 opened by Darkosto - 1
Broken Spawner + Iron Golem soul vile = Doesn't work.
#3817 opened by meeloinlove - 8
Unable to infuse broken spawners with a soul vial
#3822 opened by xenoflot - 7
XP vacuum doesn't work as good as killer joe did
#3823 opened by Yadokingu - 3
Inhibitor Obelisk doesn't prevent endermen from teleporting
#3824 opened by Yadokingu - 4
Null Pointer When Calling up Tesla API
#3825 opened by FC-Creations - 1
[Suggestion] Allow liquid lookups in JEI from gui tanks
#3826 opened by mezz - 6
[Suggestion] Liquid XP -> Mending
#3827 opened by VT-14 - 2
Upgrade config file
#3828 opened - 2
Bound Blade doesn't use LP in Killer Joe
#3829 opened by Peach774 - 10
[1.10.2] Baubles slot in Capacitor Bank GUI pass null to canEquip from Baubles
#3830 opened by BrainStone - 0
Dark Iron Bars have incorrect textures(rendering?) for single bars
#3831 opened by 501warhead - 1
Can you upgrade inventory panel system
#3832 opened - 8
Requests List+Ender IO Modules+Inventory Panel
#3833 opened - 1
Latest updates breaks KillerJoe
#3818 opened by jpeaglesandkatz - 4
[1.10] magnet re-texture has some weirdness
#3819 opened by b0bst3r - 3
right click crop handler
#3820 opened by s1ammykhan - 2
Can't reset Vibrant caps in crafting grid
#3821 opened by xenoflot - 2
Graphical Bug with the experience Obelisk [MC 1.7.10] [w/Optifine]
#3838 opened by frenchiveruti - 0
1.7.10 Farming station bu?
#3841 opened by ZeniumX - 1
Machine's ejecting items
#3842 opened by DJAntimute - 1
[1.10.2] Server crash Farm on Biomes o plenty grass.
#3834 opened by ProsperCraft - 5
Pokecube Integration.
#3835 opened by Thutmose - 1
[1.10.2] Successfully writing in the Access Code for a Travel Anchor does not allow travel
#3836 opened by 501warhead - 2
Conduit recipes produce -1 product
#3837 opened by ShortCircuit908 - 1
Ender Pearl Powder
#3846 opened by GodNero - 2
Actually additions Battery charging. Support?
#3847 opened by HeavyDeception - 3
**Electromagnet Upgrade**
#3848 opened by HeavyDeception - 1
Powered spawners spawn mobs centred about their North-West corner
#3849 opened by Mysteryem - 6
Ender IO Requests
#3850 opened - 3
[Feature Request]
#3851 opened by NEXUS2345 - 3
SlicenSplice items in wrong slots
#3852 opened by leglerm - 7
Adding custom hoes
#3853 opened by BlakeBr0 - 4
Aversion Obelisk does not prevent mobs to spawn on Cursed Land
#3854 opened by nefalem - 0
Add Mystical Agriculture hoes to the defaults list
#3855 opened by BlakeBr0 - 2
XP vacuum totally broke after 136 beta. Might have been broken 1 or 2 versions back.
#3856 opened by jpeaglesandkatz - 1
[Suggestion]: return of Mod compat conduits?: gas(mekanism), ME conduits & etc. for +1.10.2
#3844 opened by mariodk - 4
Farming station harvests and dumps crops on locked sides.
#3845 opened by Vectrobe - 1
What happen to gas and me conduits
#3857 opened by Dijkstra1-zz - 2
[Feature Suggestion] Add Industrial craft cables as conduits
#3859 opened by Michal-MK - 3
An unknown AE2 API is installed (rv3 from appliedenergistics2-rv3-beta-6.jar)
#3860 opened by Tschaeaen - 0
Conduit facade Dark wood wrong color 1.7.10
#3861 opened by Ryudragon2 - 5
EnderIO and Roots may not be getting along
#3862 opened by belathus