- 1
Duplicate glitch liquids
#4917 opened by BartolomeoDR - 5
Loads on Server, Won't Load on Client
#4918 opened - 1
Redstone Sensor Filter not configurable
#4919 opened by ouroborus - 2
Optifine+EnderIO crash
#4920 opened by Zarpyk - 0
Blacklist IRON ALLOY from smeltery mixing
#4921 opened by tyler489 - 0
Omni Buffer inventory not working
#4922 opened by xannor - 18
Server won't load with Custom Endergy Alloy Recipe, however Client will
#4923 opened by MaxNeedsSnacks - 2
OpenComputers Integration causing crashes?
#4924 opened by SpudGunMcGee - 2
Crash when starting EnderIO Monolith and OpenComputers
#4925 opened by TomatoCo - 1
- 11
[Endergy] Stellar Conduits internal buffer
#4927 opened by bpwhelan - 2
Game crashes when seeing uses in painting machine for screens from RF Tools
#4929 opened by JBSTheGamer - 25
#4930 opened by JBSTheGamer - 8
Having a recipe bug and no idea how to fix it
#4928 opened - 3
Suggestion - Creative machine Capacitor
#4931 opened by Venrixia - 5
EnderIO Endergy Conduits not obeying EnderIO conduit tier connection config
#4932 opened by pupnewfster - 5
Dimensional Tranciever - No MaxIO option avaible in config file
#4937 opened by InvicTech - 1
Ender IO and CoFHCore conflict
#4934 opened by knacky34 - 1
Ender IO dont work ingame
#4935 opened by emike3d - 1
#4936 opened by Emily-ste - 4
server tick took 90.00 seconds
#4938 opened by instinxx - 4
Used Conduit Fascades not stacking?
#4941 opened by Algester - 1
open computers+ Ender IO crash on startup
#4942 opened by macqo004 - 3
Powered Spawner Automatic %100 Glitch
#4943 opened by arkan501 - 3
Magnesium Diboride Alloy
#4944 opened by NielsPilgaard - 0
Sugar canes and cacti get removed when farming station has no hoe
#4945 opened by MaxiHuHe04 - 2
machine explodes
#4939 opened by avidgamer5918 - 2
- 7
Maybe a bug?
#4948 opened by Smario9000 - 3
[SUGGESTION] Option to disable Ender IO loot from chests
#4949 opened by Sunconure11 - 1
Crash relating to config options
#4950 opened by Sunconure11 - 2
Potion Conflict with Inspirations mod
#4951 opened by piedpipr314 - 3
Warning: smelting non-EnderIO recipes in EnderIO machines
#4947 opened by jkrumpholc - 3
Iron Alloy Ingots can be problematic for autocrafting
#4952 opened by FloxyTek - 2
Minecraft 12.1.2 Default Recipe Book not work properly with Ender IO--Not Crashed
#4953 opened by lawrencekellie - 5
The world disappears when i put water in the fluid tank.
#4958 opened by Flowyan - 8
Refined Storage conduit GUI generating large number of chunk updates/redraws.
#4961 opened by WillWill56 - 4
Conduits misbehaving and wrench interactions
#4962 opened by DynoEnviro - 1
Right click on Enhanced Combustion Generator with liquid stone pipe from BuildCraft
#4963 opened by EvoWebFrance - 5
Ender io and Refined Storage Crafting Crash
#4959 opened by SirAron111 - 1
Dark Armor settings not saved between world loads
#4960 opened by SReject - 3
[1.12.2] Vinishing don't "work" correct.
#4965 opened by TheSnowyChickens - 16
Reproducible client freeze relating to water and Dark Steel Boots Jump III
#4966 opened by mobro09 - 2
Please Register Loot Tables for Ender IO Zoo Mobs (suggestion, LootTweaker integration, possible bug)
#4969 opened by khift363 - 5
Couple issues with Photovoltaic Cells
#4970 opened by WindFox - 7
Mistake in padding calculation
#4972 opened by TomatoCo - 2
[Suggestion] Add a method to measure item transfer rates to ender conduits
#4977 opened by chuggafan - 1
Error with Tardis Mod
#4978 opened by Piehthyte - 0
Vat doesn't recognize recipes with 0 fermenting cost
#4976 opened by Tfarcenim - 2
[Suggestion] Offhand use for Conduit Probe, Inventory to CP, and Stack Upgrade
#4979 opened by Thunder-Nova