V2.0+ Now with EnhancedArmaments! (Credit to TheXFactor117, JanneSoon for original mod source code)!
Please visit the original mod page for a breakdown of the 1.18.1 ported content. Below is a short preview.
- Level up tools and armor!
- Upgrade armor and tools by taking and dealing damage!
- Press K to pull up the upgrade menu!
- Please visit the EnhancedArmaments mod page for a full breakdown.
Example Images
Mine through stone like Netherrack!
Teleport like an Enderman with a right-click!
Ender Obsidian Armor
Bring lava and water to the end to make Ender Obsidian.
You wear the full set of Ender Obsidian (EO) armor and use an EO Pick/Sword to get special powers!
Ender Obsidian Armor allows you to have amazing mining capabilities. While you are wearing the whole armor suit, you will get Night Vision and Fire Resistance, allowing you to mine at diamond layer with no threat of lava or darkness.
But it gets better!
When wearing the whole Ender Armor armorset and wielding an Ender Obsidian Sword, right clicking let's you teleport like an Enderman!
But be careful! Each teleport will hurt your sword and all the armor you're wearing at that time. The further you go, the more it is hurt. You can teleport about 100 blocks at a time. Additionally, you can teleport upwards through a single block, if you are looking to make a quick escape!
And it still gets better!
While you are wielding an Ender Obsidian Pickaxe and you have the full set of armor on...
You also get Haste!
This means that in all, you get Haste, Fire Resistance and Night Vision to help you hunt down those ever elusive in game ores.
Efficiency V is recommended. Here is a comparison of mining without Efficiency compared to with it.
And it STILL gets better!
While holding an Ender Obsidian Pick and wearing the while EO Suit and that pick has Fortune III, the magic of the Ender Obsidian will enhance your fortune ventures! The jackpot is up to 16 times as much as possible per ore, but there is a small (1:256) chance to get that much.
But, user beware: For each extra ore, your pick will take extreme damage! To be specific, you could take as much as 64 pick damage if you hit the jackpot. Keep it's health above 25%!
You may have noticed that the armor and tools have low durability. There is a good reason for that.
How to heal EO and Obsidian armor and tools:
While wearing the the full Ender Obsidian set and using and Ender Obsidian Pick, mining normal obsidian will minutely heal your pick and ALL Ender Obsidian items in your inventory.
By now, you may be wondering how to actually get this stuff.
Step 1: Find the End.
Step 2: Beat the boss.
Step 3: Bring an inventories worth of lava (and one water bucket) to the end.
Step 4: Make obsidian as shown:
The only two new recipes are as follows:
These are the materials you use to make the Ender Obsidian items out of, in place of ingots. The recipes are the same pattern as vanilla and there is a full set of tools available (that you would use so they can be healed when mining obsidian).
Final notes:
There are Obsidian Armor suit and bonuses as well!
As you can see it grants different abilities and doesn't have the same fortune enhancements or teleporting as the EO set.
Since the armor and tools are really weak, I urge you to enchant your EO tools and with Unbreaking III at all costs. Unbreaking drastically extends their life and helps make sure you don't accidentally break them. Keep in mind, if even your leggings break, you lose all of the great bonuses! You need to be wearing the full suit!
Definitely get Efficiency V, not IV. V lets you mine at sprinting speed so you just hold control and zoooom.
I am happy to hear an suggestions and requests!