Ender Obsidian Armaments

Ender Obsidian Armaments

Tooltips with rarity

Tooltips with rarity

A legendary Iron Sword
Upgrade examples

Upgrade examples

Ability tokens and levels
Ender Obsidian Plate

Ender Obsidian Plate

Obsidian Fireproof

Obsidian Fireproof

If nothing else, it is an early game anti-lava protection. Be careful! It is (somehow) even weaker than Ender Obsidian!
Fire proof example

Fire proof example

Ender Obsidian Armor and Obsidian Armor give you fire resistance.
Ender Armor Showcase

Ender Armor Showcase

All normal recipes apply for EO tools and armor.
EO Bonuses

EO Bonuses

Haste, Fire Resistance 2, Night Vision, Fortune 5
Obsidian Plate recipe

Obsidian Plate recipe

I actually nerfed this from 4 obsidian.
Title Image

Title Image

See title.
Obsidian Armor Showcase

Obsidian Armor Showcase

Visuals. All vanilla tool and armor recipes work for EO and O Armor and tools.
Obsidian Armor Showcase

Obsidian Armor Showcase

Obsidian gives you only fire resistance and strength,
Tooltips with rarity

Tooltips with rarity

A rare iron chestplate.