- 0
[Bug]: When moon raised with Japanese language, certain user name is shown
#183 opened by B-Wither - 0
[Bug]: Time and Wind incompatibility
#184 opened by Cyan4235 - 7
[Bug]: 1.20 version configs need to be done via datapack
#185 opened by Talidorn - 0
[Bug]: Configurable Everything Incompatible
#186 opened by Treetrain1 - 3
#187 opened by benio1394 - 2
[Suggestion][Wiki] Provide examples of datapacks
#188 opened by FernandoCalaza - 3
[Bug]: /corgilib worldRegistryExport does nothing
#189 opened by SireOfTheQuags - 2
[Bug]: Events occur in not valid moon phases
#190 opened by FernandoCalaza - 0
unnecessarily altering loot tables?
#191 opened by Aceplante - 4
Ignoring datapack
#192 opened by Aceplante - 0
#193 opened by themagician93 - 1
Create map crash[Crash]:
#194 opened by zc1108aaa - 1
[Crash]: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "corgitaco.enhancedcelestials.api.lunarevent.LunarEvent.getClient()" because "lastEvent" is null
#195 opened by Vcool122 - 1
#173 opened by Jack22891 - 2
[Bug]: Possible Incompatibility with Alloy Forgery
#174 opened by Ultimushadow - 2
[Crash]: I think the Botania crash involving moon phases is back under niche scenarios
#175 opened by Sunconure11 - 4
[Crash]: crash on startup
#176 opened by btd6fdds - 5
[Crash]: Crash when opening fabric
#179 opened by torialityy - 1
[Bug]: Harvest moon better crop harvest does not work at all on Fabric 1.20.1
#180 opened by FrozenDragon0 - 4
[Crash]: incompatible/incorrect files possibly caused by optifine on 1.19.4
#181 opened by toxicblonde - 4
[Crash]: Setting moon event to "default" crashes and continues to crash world
#182 opened by Darkmega18 - 1
[Bug]: 1.19数据包配置无效.求配置文件
#196 opened by sxhmmmmm - 3
[Crash]: On creating a new world 1.20.1 Fabric
#197 opened by DTX3 - 1
[Crash]: Mixin Incompatibility with Botania
#198 opened by LeakingAmps - 1
Suggestion: 1.20.4 Update?
#200 opened by EfficientStinkbug - 1
[Bug]: Description: Exception ticking world
#201 opened by vdjango - 2
[Crash]: Modpack for Cobblemon crash with EC mod
#203 opened by otterpawps - 1
[Crash]: issue related to LunarForecast
#206 opened by Atlas-Maker - 1
[Suggestion]: Lunar events should be longer
#207 opened by polykatt - 3
[Enhancement]: Add a config to increase chances for a certain moon to happen each night.
#204 opened by Acenthus - 1
[Crash]: Unsure what caused this on the server
#205 opened by Camawama - 9
[Bug]: Harvest Moon duplicates placed seeds.
#208 opened by MynxOne - 4
[Bug]: All entities recieve Luck effect on Blue Moon
#209 opened by Camawama - 1
[Bug]: Entity filters don't work
#210 opened by DraconicArcher - 5
[Crash]: Crash on start due to CorgiLib
#213 opened by Mentalgen - 1
[Crash]: lighting or something
#211 opened by fish034 - 2
[Crash]: Possible incompatability with some mods that change fog and sky
#212 opened by NuclearToast54 - 1
[Bug]: Blood moon visual effects does not work when certain shaders are used
#214 opened by lihaan - 1
not configured
#215 opened by zc1108aaa - 2
[Bug]: Harvest Moon not working
#216 opened by nitbe - 1
[Bug]: server hang on stop command
#218 opened by Fireeyeeian - 3
[Bug]: Optifine incompability
#219 opened by epokuser - 0
#220 opened by Dracoby20 - 1
[Crash]: Crash Happened after Attempting to Enable Lunar Events for a Mod Dimension by Editing the JAR
#222 opened by p0rt39 - 1
[Bug]: Shows empty message in chat even if notification type is NONE
#223 opened by hserranome - 1
[Bug]: most likely incompatibility issue with other mods
#224 opened by NotYourLifeline - 1
[Crash]: It's not compatible with Optifine? MixinTransformerError
#225 opened by DanihaUribe - 0
[Crash]: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 'net.minecraft.core.Holder corgitaco.enhancedcelestials.lunarevent.LunarForecast.getCurrentEventRaw()'
#227 opened by Renari - 0
[Bug]: Not compatible with "Time Control" mod.
#228 opened by votoka12 - 2
[Crash]: Critical problem: enhancedcelestials_asm.mixins.json:MixinRegistryAccess was loaded too early.
#229 opened by Thombias