- 0
[Bug]: [1.16.5] Invalid file path after updating to Java 8_331
#109 opened by Stifling-Bossness - 2
Incorrect path for config files
#110 opened by iCeParadox64 - 1
Crash upon moon event
#111 opened by Jollyolsport - 0
[Bug] Dying during a lunar event causes ambient sound to play another instance of itself.
#112 opened by Thombias - 2
[Bug]: Blood moon apears, and only lasts for around 1 minute. then leaves?
#115 opened by GttiqwT - 0
#114 opened by Jetpack-Cat - 1
[Bug]: Mixin conflict with `Very Many Players`
#116 opened by SettingDust - 0
[Crash]: Crash
#117 opened by fanrenla - 2
[Bug]: Carrots dupe in Harvest Moons
#118 opened by StrangerSon71 - 0
[Bug]: Trying to restrict access to enhanced celestials commands to regular players but can't find the permissions in game.
#120 opened by BokChewy - 0
[Crash]: Possible issue with Compact Machines mod?
#122 opened by matpratta - 0
[Crash] [v2.0.7]: Bizzare crash on client upon death in a server...
#123 opened by Cixon - 2
Abnormally Long Time Between Moons?
#121 opened by Esjitu - 1
[Bug]: Medieval Entity Knights insane spawns during blood moon
#124 opened by wildficus - 0
[Bug]: The automatically generated profile information indicates incorrect
#127 opened by Gaia9527 - 1
#128 opened by d-rick - 2
[Bug]: Sleeping not completely prevented during blood moon
#129 opened by MarioSMB - 1
[Crash]: Incompatibility with Optifine
#130 opened by Bluyidark - 1
[Bug]: Unable to Locate Config file in 1.19.2 version of Mod
#131 opened by Karvoo - 3
[Bug]: I don't know how, but your mod breaks water physics.
#132 opened by purejosh - 1
[Bug]: Sleeping bag from Campanion mod can skip bloodMoon
#133 opened by zeid0ne - 1
[Bug]: Mod Incompatibility with "Realistic Sleep"
#134 opened by MLMII - 1
[Bug]: Missing super_moon event in lang files
#138 opened by umLu - 0
[Crash]: Server got crashed and cannot be turn on again
#139 opened by Rozerwum - 0
[Crash]: crashes on modload
#141 opened by KlaraChaos - 6
[Bug]: Celestial Moon Retains Texture of Last Lunar Event
#143 opened by Inf4d3l - 1
[Crash]: game crashed and the only mod mentioned was enhanced celestials
#144 opened by kuba26038 - 1
[Bug]: Cannot enable any Lunar Event in old worlds
#146 opened by Lxazl5770 - 2
[STDERR]: java.lang.Throwable
#147 opened by xR4YM0ND - 0
[Bug]: Wiki start here button does not work
#148 opened by MarioSMB - 3
[Bug]: No way to modify default events
#149 opened by MarioSMB - 1
#150 opened by Timkokain - 0
[Suggestion]: In Control compatibility
#152 opened by MarioSMB - 0
[Crash]: On startup
#153 opened by StellarHarbour - 1
[Bug]: infinite moons
#155 opened by SuperFeda - 0
[Bug]: Blood Moons and Blue Moons Not Working
#157 opened by jayyms - 0
[Suggestion]: Ability to disable event ambient
#158 opened by MiniRaptor - 1
[Bug]: Can't Configure with .dat file
#159 opened by Doctor-nova - 0
[Bug]: Lunar Soundtrack Bug
#162 opened by ZLGaming - 4
[Crash]: on 1.20.1 Forge launch
#160 opened by MrKashew - 1
[Crash]: 1.20.1 When creating World
#161 opened by xd4rkzghost01 - 5
[Crash]: Not compatible with the latest optifine
#163 opened by MrDeathwish1629 - 5
[Crash]: Missing registry: ResourceKey[minecraft:root / enhancedcelestials:lunar/dimension_settings]
#165 opened by spoorn - 0
[Bug]: incompatible with 1.20
#164 opened by HackermanCabinet - 2
[Bug]: Event sounds perset after sunrise after you die during event
#168 opened by Shibva - 1
[Bug]: The moons doesn't appear again and the effects neither
#166 opened by Fells2 - 0
[Bug]: Can skip the blood moon
#167 opened by daniell0999 - 0
[Bug]: Lunar Event sky light colors do not work with Nostalgic Tweak's old night sky color setting.
#170 opened by FrozenDragon0 - 2
[Crash]: 1.20.1 Incompatible with recent Fabric Api versions
#171 opened by kingkuys2123 - 0
[Bug]: if it rains at night, even Blood Moon can spend it in bed.
#172 opened by ChongYu233