- 0
Make abilities disableable
#2 opened by rubensworks - 0
Make Ability Totems easily craftable
#3 opened by rubensworks - 1
Using more than one ability totem
#4 opened by JonaBrackenwood - 3
Player stuck with step assist ability
#5 opened by JonaBrackenwood - 0
Nerf saturation
#6 opened by rubensworks - 2
Sometimes mobs with particles don't drop totems
#7 opened by rubensworks - 1
XP multiplier doesn't work
#8 opened by rubensworks - 11
Night Vision does not function
#1 opened by Nova001Sol - 0
Display active abilities like potion effects outside of gui
#9 opened by rubensworks - 0
Limit number of abilities a player can have
#10 opened by rubensworks