- 0
Drain hunger for active abilities
#11 opened by rubensworks - 1
Levels whilst adding and removing abilities is inconsistent
#12 opened by JonaBrackenwood - 2
[Issue] Compat other mods (Actually Additions)
#13 opened by accessdenied0 - 0
Make potion effects last longer
#14 opened by rubensworks - 5
flight doesnt work
#15 opened by TheCodedOne - 2
Issues with several potion effects
#16 opened by Darkhax - 1
Totems don't take actual levels into account
#17 opened by p455w0rd - 2
Client crash
#18 opened by K4N0 - 0
Nerf absorbtion
#20 opened by rubensworks - 0
Configs for limiting ability cap
#21 opened by rubensworks - 1
Bug: Night Vision ability doesn't work
#19 opened by rinart73 - 0
[1.10.2] Mod-Crash if Totem is disabled
#23 opened by SDXC - 12
Crash when entering the nether
#24 opened by DatrixTHLK - 4
Graphical issue within modded dimensions when Night vision skill is enabled
#25 opened by DatrixTHLK - 11
Using any item related to this mod freezes the game
#27 opened by Mythrrinthael - 3
everlasting abilities compat with loot bags
#28 opened by SDUBZ - 0
Power Stare blacklist entity ownables
#29 opened by Karagra - 3
Allow only some abitilies available at first spawn
#31 opened by rubensworks - 3
Regen perk bug
#32 opened by apotsepko - 2
[1.11.2] getting kicked from server when adding ability
#33 opened by forReason - 1
[1.11.2] - Ability bottle on spawn
#34 opened by forReason - 1
new players join server with random amount of xp
#36 opened by MichinYeoja - 1
Feature: Combine three totems in a crafting grid to get a new random totem
#37 opened by CplPibald - 5
Toggle For Abilities?
#39 opened by Kyanlte - 2
Power Stare is more trouble than it's worth
#40 opened by CplPibald - 5
Poison, Wither, and Levitation kill villagers and friendly mobs
#41 opened by CplPibald - 2
Ability sort method
#44 opened by wilsondgonzales - 1
[1.10.2] Night Vision is not working
#45 opened by milano1110 - 1
GUI dont work 1.12 latest Forge
#46 opened by Fundryi - 2
[1.11.2] Abilities as Potion Effect Disable?
#47 opened by MokahTGS - 0
1.10.2 Kick With ability removed/ Spam Consol
#48 opened by EPIICTHUNDERCAT - 6
FYI/Crash Report
#49 opened by Nexusdog - 1
1.12.1 Power Stare, Fertility
#50 opened by scottwilson0308 - 6
Regeneration Ability Totem Doesn't Work
#51 opened by Flashfyre - 3
[1.12.x] Regeneration ability not working like expected?
#52 opened by JustJinxed - 0
Crash Report ???
#53 opened by Nexusdog - 4
1.11.2 Stuck invisible
#54 opened by Centros - 0
[1.12] Absorption Effect "flickers"
#55 opened by Galaxy2Alex - 2
Totem Combining: Result Visible
#56 opened by Dystinct - 2
#57 opened by Kenamaro - 0
Please Remove Post
#58 opened by ashly138 - 2
Server time out in Single player
#59 opened by AmazingTriangle - 2
Rewrite of damage resistance and passive potion effects
#62 opened by CplPibald - 6
I can't craft added flight totem, I can craft other totems though.
#63 opened by puresmurfing - 1
[Request] Config option to show levels required instead of exp
#64 opened by Shahelion - 2
Hit XP cap before getting Capstone Defender.
#65 opened by RubikMonat - 2
Crafting three unwanted does not give random result.
#66 opened by RubikMonat - 0
Cosmetic bug: Mouse hint issue
#67 opened by Knito58 - 1
Wrong abilities are transferred in the gui
#68 opened by Charismara - 3
Regeneration too strong
#69 opened by Akitori