Ex Deorum blocks(crucibles, barrels) don't update properly
knoxhack opened this issue ยท 3 comments
Issue reported by a player from my modpack:
"So I've noticed that the Ex Deorum blocks(crucibles, barrels) don't update properly. like hoppers connected to them won't feed items into them until they're updated in some fashion, such as by altering the inventory, or sending a redstone pulse to it."
"The issue isn't that the hoppers aren't working at all, the issue is that they'll work a single time, and then won't work until the inventory for the hopper changes, or they're sent a redstone pulse.
Like I have a barrel set up to make dirt from plant matter. The hopper will fill up the barrel once, but once the dirt is done, it gets taken out by a hopper in the bottom, the hopper above the barrel doesn't refill the barrel with more stuff to turn into dirt until I fiddle with it."
I cannot reproduce this. Please ensure that your modpack is using the latest version of Ex Deorum.
Just an addendum to this ticket, while I cannot confirm what mod is causing the issue, it's probably not Ex Deorum specifically. The issue seems to be with the hoppers themselves. Any time the receiving inventory fills up, the hoppers stop functioning until either their inventory changes or they receive a redstone pulse.
And to be clear, I mean the hopper stop working entirely, even when there's room in the destination inventory.