[1.20.1] Add NBT support for sieve output items
JaisDK opened this issue ยท 4 comments
Please add support for NBT on the output/result for the sieve recipes.
Added in 1.31. An NBT string containing the item's data can be added under "result_nbt" like this:
"type": "exdeorum:hammer",
"ingredient": [
"item": "minecraft:cobblestone"
"item": "minecraft:diorite"
"item": "minecraft:granite"
"item": "minecraft:andesite"
"result": "minecraft:enchanted_book",
"result_nbt": "{'StoredEnchantments':[{'id':'minecraft:unbreaking','lvl':3}]}",
"result_amount": 1.0
Make sure to use 1.32, it fixed an issue in Nether void worlds where structures wouldn't generate