Extra Utilities Fixes

Extra Utilities Fixes


HEY, if you want this, you should use Darkhax's mod instead, we both found the reddit thread requesting the slime feature at the same time LOOOOOOL

This mod does 4 things regarding Extra Utilities 2, all of which are configurable:

  • Fix slimes not spawning in superflat worlds.
  • Clean up harmless log spam caused by exutil registering its tile entities with the wrong mod ID
  • Clean up harmless log spam caused by exutil using some sort of weird code-based model system and not telling Forge about it causing it to print like 100 "can't find block model" errors
  • Clean up harmless log spam caused by the Purging potion effect missing an HUD texture (this one's not configurable because I just add the texture, but you can't even see it anyways since Purging is an instant effect)

All of these are unresolved issues on its bug tracker.

Public domain.

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