Extra Utilities Fixes

Extra Utilities Fixes


Extra Utilities Fixes

Main attraction: fixes slimes not spawning in superflat worlds when you have Extra Utilities installed because it adds an event that kills slime spawning and doesn't add a config option for it. This makes it possible to use the Narslimmus in garden of glass again, etc.

Also suppresses a TON of Extra Utilities log spam (also configurable)

  • remove errors caused by Extra Utilities registering tile entities with the wrong mod ID
  • remove model loading errors caused by Extra Utilities using special snowflake model loading system
  • remove a big missing texture error caused by a missing potion texture (this one is not configurable, because the fix is just me adding a texture with the right filename lol)

Doesn't fix anything that's not also reported to the issue tracker :)


Creative Commons Zero, public domain, whatever lol, do what you want