- 1
indestructible enchant no implement with apotheosis
#292 opened by ComeBelin - 7
hephaestus forge not working 1.18.2
#290 opened by Pavranium2411 - 2
Ticking entity Crash
#291 opened by Merithor - 1
Missing Cherry Boat recipe
#297 opened by brnbrd - 2
1.19.2 Valhelsia Core and + Crash upon startup
#298 opened by xd4rkzghost01 - 8
Issue : Contact
#293 opened by AbsolemJackdaw - 1
Hephaestus forge structure requires air
#294 opened by dutch-gamer - 7
I can't load forbidden and arcanus on 1.18.2
#295 opened by Adriaaa17 - 1
#302 opened by saltyseadoggo - 1
Cannot get nipa to generate in the Twilight Forest despite config and tag set to allow it
#303 opened by saltyseadoggo - 1
Cannot make edelwood generate in biomes that aren't dark forests
#304 opened by saltyseadoggo - 4
Issue with Zombie Arm that is possibly related to applied math
#299 opened by SamHammie - 8
Forbidden and Arcanus not compatible with Domum Ornamentum
#301 opened by Sennario - 5
Crash in Forge 1.18.2
#305 opened by Archilyte - 1
Obsidian skull/shield doesn't work as expected
#307 opened by portega - 1
Crash on startup 1.19.2 on Forge 43.1.1 with OptiFine HD U H9
#308 opened by Viuiq - 1
[1.18.2] Unable to make any reinforced arcane gold tools
#309 opened by KajesLorian - 1
1.19.2 Issue/question
#310 opened by ModernGamingWorld - 0
Fungyss Block has 'No Tool' tag
#311 opened by aNinjin - 1
Cherry Blossom Leaf Carpets spawn above the tree
#314 opened by milkev - 1
Game crashes while mousing over the Cilbano Combusting recipe for Arcane Crystal: No ResidueType found
#312 opened by jangro - 3
Edelwood buckets convert baby chickens to adults
#313 opened by jangro - 1
Crash at start
#315 opened by Adlez8475 - 1
Crash Error in 1.18.2 using the version 2.1.1
#316 opened by Nheeee - 1
Netherite Blacksmith Gavel item is not environment-immune
#317 opened by Twisted-Code - 6
crash whilst initializing the game
#318 opened by ckkomi - 1
Forbidden and Arcanus & Shaders
#319 opened by Zapzidus - 3
Crash MixinTransformerError
#322 opened by ClaudiusMinimus - 1
Deorum Armor missing textures
#323 opened by WenXin20 - 7
Unable to collect blood in test tube with mystical dagger
#325 opened by Techokami - 3
guide with patchouli
#326 opened by Developer2704 - 1
Using test tube crashes server
#328 opened by XDgamer4 - 1
Structure Block hephaestus forge
#329 opened by Developer2704 - 1
Cherry tree config problem
#330 opened by ianm1647 - 3
Recipe Error
#331 opened by T0matoKing - 5
Causes Failure to startup [1.19.2 forge, 43.2.6]
#332 opened by drakosoldier298 - 1
Fiery Modifier not working in 1.18.2
#333 opened by pouffy - 0
Aurum Log Particle Config
#334 opened by The-Forge-Master - 1
Crashes On startup [1.19.2/ Forge 43.2.8]
#335 opened by ArchFps - 0
Soul Extractor model bug
#336 opened by Cherry-Versai - 1
My launcher is crashing after I installed ( Forbidden and Arcanus) and ( Valhelsia Core)
#337 opened by EDMvibes - 6
Use IRecipe to Distinguish Hephauestus Forge recipetype
#338 opened by Explode007 - 1
[1.19.4-2.2.0-beta1] Am I missing something?
#339 opened by EDMvibes - 1
shader bug with the ring on black hole. 1.19.2
#343 opened by kaairu - 1
Edelwood null bucket
#344 opened by Eternus95 - 1
The Hephaestus Smithing don't work !
#341 opened by Rapid0x - 1
book guide
#342 opened by Thunderrock424242 - 2
Crashing while loading Minecraft
#345 opened by cfnnit - 1
The game crashed whilst initializing game Error last forge 1.19.4 and forbidden_arcanus-1.19.4-2.2.0-beta1 and valhelsia_core-forge-1.19.4-0.5.0
#346 opened by OBS3SS1ON - 7
Some issue compatibility with Alex Mobs and Forbidden Arcanus, dont know which mod is causing the issue
#347 opened by lSherozl