- 4
Error to get Server Level
#391 opened by Reaviik - 0
Connected textures for Arcane Polished Darkstone
#392 opened by OromisElf - 2
[1.20.1] Mixin injecting SynchedEntityData into entities not owned by Forbidden Arcanus is dangerous
#378 opened by TelepathicGrunt - 22
Negative blood
#379 opened by mattba10 - 1
Hephaestus forge not working
#380 opened by thisKid619 - 2
Black Hole giving nothing
#385 opened by whyleviathan - 0
Wood type may not be registered correctly
#381 opened by katubug - 2
Forge 1.20.1, Edelwood Ladder isn't climbable.
#382 opened by katubug - 2
No ghasts spawning in soulsand valley
#383 opened by bradreslam - 2
[1.18.2] hephaestus forge not completing rituals or recieving aureal
#384 opened by Goblin-0001 - 4
Hephaestus Forge automation
#389 opened by JWTHDYTWA - 1
[1.20.1] Arcane Crystal Block doesn't drop when mined
#386 opened by jinkhya - 2
GTCEU & Eternal Stella Compatibility Feature Request
#387 opened by Ghostipedia - 2
Incompatibility with Optifine and JEI+EMI: InjectionError: LVT in net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiGraphics... has incompatible changes at opcode 345 in callback forbidden_arcanus.mixins.json
#388 opened by ChlodAlejandro - 1
Orb of Temporary Flight breaks if you activate with slow falling
#390 opened by RagingEnby - 2
Crash on mod loading
#348 opened by SodiumZH - 0
Pickaxes missing forge:tools/pickaxes tag
#350 opened by ModernGamingWorld - 1
Wiki: Hephaestus Forge Incorrect Block Quantity
#352 opened by DeuceWins - 10
Lost souls are broken
#351 opened by SurgeXs - 0
Crash at startup with Forbidden and Arcanus version 2.2.0
#353 opened by Tulepeeker - 1
Hephaestus Forge needs to see the sky
#355 opened by faeldray - 1
1.19.2 terra compatibility
#354 opened by Vallice - 4
Game crashes when viewing eternal stella smithing recipes [1.19.2]
#356 opened by zacski1 - 1
Error launch minecraft with All the Mods 8
#357 opened by TSYLaR - 2
Quantum Catcher Blaclist
#358 opened by norfaremc - 2
Mob Spawners with Silk Touch no longer generate fragments [1.20.1]
#359 opened by QuentinJ54 - 4
[1.20.1] Harvesting spawner with EnderIO installed makes EnderIO drop 2 broken spawners instead of just one.
#360 opened by Gbergz - 1
[1.19.2] [Server-side] Hephaestus Forge assembling issue
#361 opened by Igneaalis - 4
Clibano Core refuses to be Broken + Visual "X-Ray" Glitch +Weird stuff happening
#366 opened by DarianStardust - 3
[Bug][1.20.1] Orb of Temporary Flight does nothing when used.
#367 opened by grundyboy34 - 1
[1.19.2] compatability issues with create item drains and edelwood buckets
#363 opened by Lottie1s - 1
No Aurum Saplings
#364 opened by Maltory - 1
Crash when Finishing the tier 2 Forge upgrade recipe
#365 opened by DarianStardust - 1
[Bug][1.20.1] Crash due to empty consequences list.
#368 opened by grundyboy34 - 1
Ancient debris dupe with Gavel
#369 opened by Manwe03 - 2
Game Crashes on Mod entity death
#370 opened by Attemiff - 2
Slimec pickaxe doesn't work as a silk touch item anymore (1.20.1)
#395 opened by ZephyrWindSpirit - 4
fill the test tube
#396 opened by sphinxnine9 - 2
New Problem
#397 opened by nodamnusername - 2
Feature Request - A Shield for the Draco Arcanus Tools
#398 opened by ToxinZangoose - 1
Duplication with SophisticatedBackpacks
#399 opened by Wyrrrd - 1
1.20.1 Hephaestus Forge in 1.19.2 would be awesome.
#400 opened by SGZ-Creations - 1
Eternal Stella Upgraded Tools Break After Single Use by Create Deployers in 1.20.1
#401 opened by Rodrigo816 - 2
instant crash in 1.20.1
#402 opened by silvercrawls02 - 8
Crash on startup
#403 opened by DelviousCrafts - 2
Minecraft not loading
#404 opened by ALEILGOD - 4
Feature Request: Please change the Black Hole!
#406 opened by goldrat1 - 0
Data Driven Soul Extractor Conversions
#405 opened by CraftyZombie - 2
Obsidian Skull, Eternal Obsidian Skull and Obsidian Skull Shield broken
#407 opened by etherealgears - 1
Fungyss stem and planks missing Bass note block sound
#409 opened by WenXin20