Zone BGM (for Forge Essentials)

Zone BGM (for Forge Essentials)


Zone BGM (for Forge Essentials)

This mod allows you to use zones from Forge Essentials to assign background musics to zones.

When a player will enter a zone, the assigned music (or playlist) will be streamed on their side.

The played resource is an URL from an audio source (youtube, twitch, almost anything...)

With this tool, you can, for example, have a music for a town, a shop, a pirate's ship...

This mod uses the RegionBGM API to stream music to players and Forge Essentials to create and manage zones.

It's only required on server-side. The clients do not need to install it.

Currently the mod is made for 1.12.2 (so, you'll need to download 1.12.2 releases of the dependencies)


  • Download and install RegionBGM on client-side and server-side (players from your server will need to install it).
  • Download and install Forge Essentials on server-side.
  • Download and install Zone BGM on server-side.

You might want to install WorledEdit too, on server-side to select your zones more easily.

Supported sources

The music can be a source from internet : A youtube video, a youtube playlist, a twitch livestream...

As the RegionBGM API uses lavaplayer you can check all the supported sources here.

Get started

To see how to setup and use the mod on your server, check the github repository of Zone BGM


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