Zone BGM (for Forge Essentials)

Zone BGM (for Forge Essentials)


Zone BGM (for Forge Essentials)

Welcome to the Zone BGM repository!

This mod allows you to use zones from Forge Essentials to assign background musics to zones.

When a player will enter a zone, the assigned music (or playlist) will be streamed on their side.

The played resource is an URL from an audio source (youtube, twitch, almost anything...)

With this tool, you can, for example, have a music for a town, a shop, a pirate's ship...

This mod uses the RegionBGM API to stream music to players and Forge Essentials to create and manage zones.

It's only required on server-side. The clients do not need to install it.

Currently the mod is made for 1.12.2 (so, you'll need to download 1.12.2 releases of the dependencies)

You can download the mod on curseforge.


  1. Download and install RegionBGM on client-side and server-side (players from your server will need to install it).

  2. Download and install Forge Essentials on server-side.

  3. Download and install Zone BGM on server-side.

You might want to install WorledEdit too, on server-side to select your zones more easily.

Supported sources

The music can be a source from internet : A youtube video, a youtube playlist, a twitch livestream...

As the RegionBGM API uses lavaplayer you can check all the supported sources here.

Forge Essentials module

ZoneBGM is loaded as a Forge Essentials's module. That means you can disable or enable it any time through the main.cfg configuration file from Forge Essentials :

Modules {

The module is enabled by default.

Get started

Create a zone

First, you'll need to have zones to assign musics! These zones are a feature from Forge Essentials (to manage permissions).

  • On your server, select an area for ForgeEssentials. You can do it by using WorldEdit, with the //wand or with //pos1 and //pos2. If you don't have worldedit, you can use //fewand instead.

  • Once your area is selected, define a zone with ForgeEssentials :

/zone define <your_zone_name>

Assign a music to a zone

  • Once the zone is created, you can simply assign a music to it by running :
/zonebgm dimension your_zone_name music <music_url>
  • Now, when a player enters the zone, the music will starts playing on their side!

For more information about the properties of the zone and the /zonebgm command, read the next sections.

Zones properties

The mod adds 3 properties to each zones :

  • music : The URL of the resource which should be played in the zone.
  • loop : A value (true or false) which controls if the music should loops or not in the area.
  • enabled : A value (true or false) which controls if the music should be played or not in the area.

As with Forge Essentials, these properties are undefined when you create the zone and inherit from their parent zone (because you can create subzones into zones).

The zone hierarchy is :

  1. The server zone, containing all the world zones
  2. The world zones containing all zones of a world (all zones from the surface, from nether, from the end, and extra multiworlds)
  3. The zones you create in a world (their parent are the worldzone)
  4. the subzones you create in a zone you defined (which is the parent of the subzone), etc...

By default, the mod assigns these values to the musical properties of the server zone :

  • music : null (no music)
  • loop : true
  • enabled : true

That means if you don't change anything, when you create a zone, it will be set to have no music, and the loop and enabled properties set to true (because it's inherit from the world zone, which inherit from the server-zone).

With the /zonebgm command, you can manually assign and change properties's values of a zone (which will not inherit anymore from their parent anymore).

A more advanced example :

  1. You decide to create a big zone for your town, named "main_town"

  2. You assign it a music (for example :

  3. You want the music to loop (and be enabled). You don't need to do anything because you inherit from the world zone which inherit from the server zone where the loop and enabled properties are set on true. But, you can't still manually assign these values with the /zonebgm command (in case you have changed or will change the world zone or server zone properties)

  4. You define a subzone "castle" inside your zone "main-town". You don't want the music to change in this zone, so you don't need to touch anything, because it will inherit from the parent zone (main_town).

  5. You define a subzone "shop" inside your zone "main-town". you want a different music in this subzone. you just need to assign a music with /zonebgm.

  6. When you leave the shop zone, the main_town zone music will be played, nothing will change if you go to the castle zone, and when you leave the main_town zone, the music will stops (except if you set a music for the world zone you are or the server zone)


The mod provides one command named /zonebgm which allows you to check and manage the musical properties of a zone.

Display information

This command will display the information (the 3 properties's values) of the zone.

  • dimension refers to a world zone. You have :
    • WORLD_0 : The "surface" (main dimension)
    • WORLD_-1 : The nether
    • WORLD_1 : The end
    • WORLD_X : For multiworls, where "X" is the ID of the dimension.
    • server : The whole server zone
  • your_zone_name refers to the name of your zone. You can also use global_zone to select the whole world zone or server zone.

You can use tabulations to find the right dimension and zone.

You can click on the displayed message to open the music's URL in your browser.

/zonebgm dimension your_zone_name

This command will display the information about the music property of the zone (you can click on the message to open the URL in your browser).

/zonebgm dimension your_zone_name music

This command will display the information about the loop property of the zone.

/zonebgm dimension your_zone_name loop

This command will display the information about the enabled property of the zone.

/zonebgm dimension your_zone_name enabled

Assign and clear a music

This command will assign a music to the zone.

/zonebgm dimension your_zone_name music music_url

This command will clear the music of the zone (will inherit from the parent zone).

/zonebgm dimension your_zone_name music clear

Enable, disable and clear looping

This command will enable music (or playlist) looping in the zone

/zonebgm dimension your_zone_name loop true

This command will disable music (or playlist) looping in the zone

/zonebgm dimension your_zone_name loop false

This command will clear the loop property of the zone (will inherit from the parent zone).

/zonebgm dimension your_zone_name loop clear

Enable, disable and clear activation

This command will allows the music to be played in the zone.

/zonebgm dimension your_zone_name enabled true

This command will prevents the music to be played in the zone.

/zonebgm dimension your_zone_name enabled false

This command will clear the enabled property of the zone (will inherit from the parent zone).

/zonebgm dimension your_zone_name enabled clear

Disable the mod

The RegionBGM API creates a gamerule for each mod using the API. This gamerule allows you to enable or disable the mod at any time.

For Zone BGM you can use :

/gamerule bgm_zonebgm <true:false>

Forge Essentials properties

The 3 musical properties of each zone are managed with Forge Essentials properties :, regionbgm.loop and regionbgm.enabled.

As it will be the main usage of the mod, the /zonebgm command update these properties for the default group (all players). But, if you want, you can assign different values for the different groups (or users!) for each zone with the /p command from ForgeEssentials (for example : having a different music playing in a zone if you're in creative or in survival)


You can find the Javadoc of the mod (for developers) here : Zone BGM documentation