- 1
[FEATURE] Advanced Rocketry Compatiblity
#22 opened by Gandalf360one - 1
[FEATURE] Oxygen Gear on Spawn Should Only Apply to First Spawn in New World
#23 opened by TheMCSpacePro - 1
[ISSUE] Mod is unavailable on Third-party Launchers
#24 opened by DDriggs00 - 3
[ISSUE] Oxygen Gear and Thermal Padding getting reset after re-joining a world/server
#2 opened by knoxhack - 3
Extra planets to new galaxy
#3 opened by mMONTAGEe - 1
[FEATURE] Changeable Gravity for Base-GC Dimensions
#15 opened by TheMCSpacePro - 1
[FEATURE] Thermal Plating ON/OFF config
#16 opened by DevTimur - 0
[FEATURE] Fix for GalactiCraft
#17 opened by Gandalf360one - 0
[ISSUE] Custom Spawn Dim events still fire with Feature disabled
#18 opened by ROMVoid95 - 0
[CRASH] Breathable planets
#19 opened by Cr3nydFalc0nSK