- 4
Prepare for Entry!
#298 opened by Nbgreen - 1
Краш клиента NEI
#303 opened by NITDroid1995 - 4
GS + GTCE crash on MC load.
#304 opened by Sataana - 1
[1.12] -Startup failure
#305 opened by RayzFoxx - 1
Unknown Problem
#299 opened by Notlucky101 - 1
Bad Texture
#300 opened by Notlucky101 - 1
#301 opened by dazedtracers - 0
Recycler crash / NEI
#302 opened by LeoZ235 - 1
Crash NEI
#306 opened by NITDroid1995 - 3
crash when connecting to bungeecord server
#309 opened by Nbgreen - 1
Keybind toggle for armor is activated even when in a GUI.
#307 opened by nymphlode - 2
Render Issue with Space Suit and MoBends
#311 opened by MeamzForBeanz - 1
Armor list doesnt work on more then 4 pieces.
#310 opened by fjones00 - 0
Game Breaking issue when loading world with Oxygen Storage Module
#312 opened by MeamzForBeanz - 1
Minecraft crashed while loading
#313 opened by Niduin - 2
I can not get the blueprint of the Lv2 rocket.
#314 opened by StarGuardianLulu - 2
Triton is not available?
#315 opened by donqixot - 2
Asteroids require tier 4 rocket instead of 3 as in vanilla Galacticraft
#316 opened by donqixot - 1
Minecraft does not work at all
#317 opened by CominSanya - 3
[1.7.10] Client crash
#318 opened by pioski - 0
Can't use conserve food without oxygen
#319 opened by inklesspen1rus - 0
Crash when entering Miranda
#320 opened by ViableFir - 2
NASA Workbench GUI Crash
#321 opened by zzApotheosis - 0
[1.7.10] Ошибка рендера руды
#322 opened by Diablolend - 1
Universal Recycler
#323 opened by Notlucky101 - 2
issue's installing update's 2.0.7 and up
#324 opened by Batosi001 - 1
Game crashes when i add the mod
#325 opened by ericgames234 - 1
Titan rain crash
#326 opened by Nbgreen - 0
SpaceSuit Boots's High Jump and High Step modules are bugged or non-functional
#327 opened by AstroTibs - 1
GalaxySpace conflict with FoamFix
#328 opened by Sandendaty - 1
Error logging into server [Forestry]
#329 opened by DrLeonardo95 - 1
Краш при переключении страниц в верстаке НАСА.
#330 opened by dimon22220 - 2
A bug with fuel generator.
#331 opened by Sandendaty - 1
Sleeping with a bed in GS's planets.
#332 opened by Sandendaty - 1
[1.12.2] Suggestion Fluids freez/vaporize
#333 opened by Gandalf360one - 1
Не присваивается значения ключа
#334 opened by Romsik788 - 0
Can't grow trees or move oxygen to other planets.
#338 opened by Herodarrion - 3
Crash with GTCE
#339 opened by FrostCreeper07 - 3
Crash with Galacticraft
#340 opened by PromanSEW - 2
Неправильное отображение ботинков космического костюма
#342 opened by Romsik788 - 2
Электроинструменты из IC2 разряжают Космический костюм
#343 opened by QuantumStatement - 3
Изменения настроек не сохраняются после перезапуска игры
#345 opened by QuantumStatement - 1
Отключение параметра "enablePlateOreDict" ломает рецепт сжатого сплава "SDHC-120"
#346 opened by QuantumStatement - 1
Дуговая печь не удваивает выход слитков с некоторых руд
#347 opened by QuantumStatement - 3
Absturz beim Start
#344 opened by Epischer-Mike - 3
Crash With Newest Galacticraft (1.12.2)
#348 opened by KenyMylankca - 1
Game crash due to MicdoodleCore ?
#349 opened by xSyphel - 2
Баг во время плавания на Барнарда С
#350 opened by Romsik788 - 0
Генерация Проксимы В сломана
#354 opened by Romsik788 - 4
Client freezes and closes (Зависает и закрывается клиент)
#353 opened by MongolSpb