- 1
Отсутствие изменения цветов дёрна (1.12.2)
#355 opened by GzoomEx - 5
Latest Version Graphics Glitch
#356 opened by NihilEntropy - 3
bad packet
#359 opened by Nbgreen - 1
Звёзды резко исчезают на небе на Барнарда С
#357 opened by Romsik788 - 5
Проблема с новой версией.
#358 opened by ilya232004 - 0
Bugged space map
#360 opened by Nbgreen - 2
multiple issues
#361 opened by Nbgreen - 2
issues crafting
#362 opened by Nbgreen - 0
Саженцы на Церере не высаживаются в герметичном и термостабилизированном помещении
#363 opened by QuantumStatement - 0
Служебные кнопки на галактической карте загораживают список планет
#364 opened by QuantumStatement - 1
Galaxy Space блокирует фоновую музыку из Galacticraft
#365 opened by QuantumStatement - 0
Сборочный цех не крафтится при некоторых условиях
#366 opened by QuantumStatement - 1
server crashes
#367 opened by Nbgreen - 3
Unplayable bug
#368 opened by Josh65-2201 - 1
Venus bugs
#369 opened by CyanideCarrot - 1
1.7.10-1.2.13 will not boot on a server
#370 opened by AstroTibs - 0
Wind Turbine should use oredict aluminum ingots
#371 opened by AstroTibs - 1
planet dimensions wrong id
#372 opened by VastayanWings - 1
При полете на планету происходит бесконечная загрузка
#373 opened by xthr0 - 1
No moon launch button
#374 opened by AstronomyPenguin - 1
game can't open
#375 opened by ustayussuf - 1
i cant go titan
#376 opened by ustayussuf - 8
3D Armor Breaking OpenGL and Making Entities (Tiles too) Invisible
#377 opened by Dfurg - 1
Many Dimensions dont want to load
#378 opened by Johnnyboy3148 - 1
Server crashes after flying to new planets
#379 opened by OceanShadows - 1
Minecraft can't launch with the installation of GS 2.0.10
#380 opened by Sandendaty - 0
Some suggestions.
#381 opened by Sandendaty - 0
Wind Turbine crash 1.7.10
#382 opened by Gandalf360one - 1
Launch Button Sends to Random Dimension ID? Game Crash on Launch Help!
#383 opened by Polosolo12 - 1
[Crash] Crash when you're trying to fly to other dimensions
#385 opened by slava110 - 1
Crash when Opening World
#386 opened by jake4832 - 0
[1.7.10] Option to disable ore generation
#387 opened by DerMilchkarton - 5
Сапфир как топливо.
#388 opened by NicolaiSeven - 10
#389 opened by chrisfultz - 1
Can't fly to moon / Не работает полет на луну
#390 opened by coldfeudal - 1
Unable to Launch with newest update
#391 opened by ROMVoid95 - 0
Ice on Mars Is Broken
#396 opened by Dente222 - 2
Looking at Lilypad on Barnada C crashes player
#397 opened by CommanderLouiz - 1
Контроллер запуска не распознает Улучшенную взлётную площадку
#392 opened by QuantumStatement - 0
Гибридная солнечная панель неправильно ориентируется на Венере
#393 opened by QuantumStatement - 1
Шлем космического костюма неправильно отображается на стойке для брони
#394 opened by QuantumStatement - 9
Шлем космического костюма странно подсвечивает мобов в броне
#395 opened by QuantumStatement - 6
Weird things then launching to another planet
#400 opened by MorePortal - 2
Вылет игры на барнаде С
#401 opened by KiraLinux - 1
Bizzare issue with client side invisble chunks
#402 opened by Johnnyboy3148 - 1
1.7.10 Charching Armor and Itmes
#404 opened by Gandalf360one - 0
Texture Glitch 1.7.10
#405 opened by Gandalf360one - 5
Tier 3 Rocket Schematics
#407 opened by Gandalf360one - 0
[Suggestion] Respawn
#406 opened by Gandalf360one - 14
Multiplayer Crash
#408 opened by KenyMylankca