- 1
Conflict with "wall-jump!" mod
#75 opened by yyon - 0
Falling in lava and keeping momentum
#73 opened by Tosh022402 - 1
[Suggestion] Use a speed softcap for wallrunning instead of the current hard cap method.
#74 opened by UselessRobot - 0
Spectator mode breaks when using grappling hooks
#71 opened by Ch1216 - 1
Enchantibility config doesn't work
#72 opened by RenzoBoudewijn1 - 1
1.16.5 Double jump has no forward speed cap
#76 opened by Kaleidio - 0
1.16.5 suggestion: config option to make hook come back to player after a timer
#77 opened by Kaleidio - 0
NPE when getting RenderAABB of grapple arrow without shootingEntity
#78 opened by Meldexun - 1
Grappling get's stuck on player due to unbreaking enchant
#55 opened by Trigonomancer - 1
Disable hook affecting mobs
#56 opened - 0
What about...[suggestion]
#57 opened by shoverno2 - 0
Recipes don't work
#58 opened by Pangamma - 1
[Suggestion] 2 versions of this mod
#59 opened by rainbowlack - 1
only grapple hook available
#60 opened by sparton76 - 1
Item Entities disappearing?
#61 opened by TernaryC - 1
Crash, NPE under certain conditions
#63 opened by kil0byt3 - 5
repeller and enderstaff too unbalanced
#64 opened by ThsHaunted124 - 3
several items not appearing when using RLcraft
#65 opened by Clanof1 - 1
*Suggestion* Blacklist/Whitelist For Blocks
#66 opened by JordanCJbrowne - 1
grapple hook sticks to player
#67 opened by pirateninjaboi - 2
Ticking entity crash when using hook 1.12
#68 opened by Balgias - 3
SUGGESTION: (sorry to bother you) 1.16/1.17
#69 opened by ItsMrZ - 2
Grapple doesn't render
#70 opened by Marrynd - 1
java.lang.NullPointerException: Unexpected error (1.9.4)(Ender staff on the hand shield)
#24 opened by Lightone - 1
Stalls, then crashes without giving an error log
#25 opened by schuylernathaniel - 1
random server exception
#26 opened by BBoldt - 1
Anti-Cheat triggered due to speed in multiplayer, possible to fix in mod?
#27 opened by nitefang - 2
request for configurable ranges for hooks
#28 opened by Divineaspect - 6
[1.10.2] - V8 - Server console error
#29 opened by mr-dreich - 1
crashing when shooting hook straight up
#30 opened by simpson409 - 0
Multi-Grappling leads! [1.11.2]
#31 opened by m7md001-debug - 0
Dual Motorized Hook doesn't take damage
#32 opened by FeldrinH - 2
[1.10.2] Does not work after teleporting
#33 opened by ChaoticLogic - 2
Suggestion/Request Config Option to Disable Durability
#34 opened by The-PurpleOrange - 1
[1.12] it seems like one of the items is not being registered the right way?
#35 opened by Lothrazar - 0
Kicking me from the server.
#36 opened by BlueYoshi68 - 0
[1.11.2] GrappleMod is spamming large number of debug info into console
#37 opened by LachimHeigrim - 0
Motorized grapple goes straight up and not where the hook lands
#39 opened by testinstien - 0
[1.12.2] Can no longer join a server
#40 opened by Golomer - 1
Feature request: config file option for maximum range
#41 opened by Alphanos - 1
Great fun, too OP - balance discussion
#42 opened by MxtressMyxx - 0
The magnetic force field doesn't seem to have an upper limit on stored "bounciness"
#43 opened by Verszy - 2
Grappling hooks don't launch themselves when I use them
#44 opened by levilips123 - 0
Grappling straight up hangs client and sometimes server in 1.12.2
#45 opened by blockspiders - 0
Duplicate item registration for magnetbow
#46 opened by Wabbit0101 - 2
GrappleMod crashes 1.12.2 Forge server as of v11 release
#47 opened by SalmonSays - 1
[Suggestion] Ability to hold mouse keys to grapple
#48 opened by SHsuperCM - 0
More configuration options
#49 opened by yyon - 1
ender staff does'nt lose durability.
#51 opened by pertoodle - 1
Hook does not fire
#52 opened by yyon