- 2
Guard Villagers attack me for no reason
#38 opened by RudiPrico - 3
Regular villagers run away like cats when you get near them
#40 opened by MrsShanTheBee - 1
Made french translation
#39 opened by Axelouuu-dev - 1
Ultilizing guards outside of a village
#42 opened by warning-djkajslh - 0
steve models dont work
#43 opened by Randomguy4569 - 3
Can you make Guard villagers on Minecraft or?
#44 opened by MinecraftplayerIwantguardvillagermod - 1
Guard villager mod
#45 opened by MinecraftplayerIwantguardvillagermod - 1
Guard villager
#46 opened by MinecraftplayerIwantguardvillagermod - 2
Guard villagers mod
#47 opened by MinecraftplayerIwantguardvillagermod - 2
Guard villagers
#48 opened by MinecraftplayerIwantguardvillagermod - 3
Guard villagers
#50 opened by yqminecraftplayer - 1
How do I change the defender model to the Steve model ?
#52 opened by Ivan12iv56 - 1
Hello, I still haven't figured out how to change the resident's model to Steve's model
#53 opened by Ivan12iv56 - 9
Guard Villager Disappearing After giving weapons
#56 opened by RAILUXUS - 3
#54 opened by FalloutNVFanGene - 2
Guard Villagers stop working somehow
#55 opened by ElTioYisus - 10
Guard Villagers Not Spawning 1.16.5
#57 opened by Jaden99c - 1
Whenever a guard follows a player on a server, it crashes the server by using a singleplayer only function.
#58 opened by queenbiscuit311 - 0
License concerns
#59 opened by djmattyg007 - 1
Broken with Radium Reforged (Forge port of Lithium)
#61 opened by brisingraerowing - 2
guards attacking player
#62 opened by darkangel11b - 1
multi layered helmets are not fitting on the guard's big head...
#63 opened by bokomix - 1
#6 opened by FurryApocalypse - 20
Villagers go poof
#7 opened by MisterFIG1 - 3
Can't open guard villager's inventory
#8 opened by Sublimehurdle - 1
1.16.5: Guards do not show up on map in Journeymap.
#9 opened by Ozzuneoj - 2
new type of guard
#11 opened by carnivorchild - 1
Can you get guards on ur Base somehow?
#12 opened by MixasFox - 1
According to the Blame mod, a guard loot table may have glitched
#13 opened by BugmanBugman - 1
Game crashes when a zombie and a guard fight
#14 opened by Naelim - 0
Guards attack even if its on the blacklist
#15 opened by DrDoomson - 0
Guard Villagers attack mobs that are on the blacklist
#16 opened by MScott7 - 2
Please help me understand an issue
#17 opened by Coltenlee - 1
Missing Zombie Village
#18 opened by Fizzie617 - 1
Config for attacking all hostile except creeper has gone wrong
#19 opened by GauntAndreX8 - 4
#21 opened by Kevin9097987 - 1
How could i make guard to attack other monster
#20 opened by Kevin9097987 - 2
Guards Perma Aggro
#22 opened by XDTRex - 1
#26 opened by emanuele246gi - 2
#27 opened by aburone - 1
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 'void' (Exception in server tick loop)
#28 opened by Coraline77447 - 3
Please have an option for guard villagers to not attack players
#29 opened by codejedi-ai - 0
[1.17.1] Server Crashes when mod is present.
#30 opened by Gbergz - 0
Spawning biome mistake
#31 opened by Rakiw - 2
Guard animation/model rendering may be broken with Optifine Render Regions
#32 opened by Kaleidio - 2
Guards wont take armor
#33 opened by lilanimal13 - 1
some issue when guard using potions
#34 opened by bucketBrian - 1
latest version server crash (seems to be crashing create mod I dont know )
#35 opened by xinyialabamaman - 0
ticking entity
#36 opened by 88Sergio88 - 2
1.16.5 ticking entity Crash
#37 opened by Lerrycapetime