- 1
Hexal errors on client, and stalling on server
#13 opened by Stick404 - 1
cyclic wisp resevoir drain is fixed at 0.37 dust per second
#14 opened by kristifristi - 7
[1.19.2] Access Widener Error on startup
#10 opened by Hahahavana - 2
Patchouli pages for Types are broken on Fabric 0.2.6
#12 opened by Ryminer2 - 0
Crash when linking a Create deployer to anything
#15 opened by anna-s-h - 1
Feature suggestion: configuration
#16 opened by anna-s-h - 1
Feature suggestion: backport of writeable in-world foci
#17 opened by anna-s-h - 1
Types page missing lang entries
#19 opened by leo60228 - 2
Please consider release on CurseForge for inclusion in CF packs
#20 opened by Linguardium - 2
Cyclic wisps spam the log
#21 opened by object-Object - 1
Server crash from player join
#23 opened by Jacyboy12 - 0
Crash when attempting to cast Gate's Opening (Forge)
#25 opened by beholderface - 1
Crash on Player Join for Forge Server
#26 opened by DeathExDorumon - 1
Gate's Opening mishap is missing a translation
#32 opened by object-Object - 1
argument order for place block II is reversed in guidebook
#33 opened by kristifristi - 1
Capacity Reflection Takes Incorrect Number of Arguments
#34 opened by jojotastic777 - 1
Crashing with ae2 (fabric/quilt)
#36 opened by maraxin - 2
There is no way to make the Mote Nexus
#37 opened by Hate9 - 0
Slipway generation halting world generation
#38 opened by Falkory220 - 0
[Suggestion] Move type iotas to MoreIotas
#43 opened by object-Object - 3
[Suggestion] Interaction pattern
#44 opened by miyucomics - 2
[Suggestion] Nerf gates, sort of
#46 opened by object-Object - 1
Create incompatable with Hexal mod.
#39 opened by 25JosiahB - 2
[1.19.2] - Hexal Incompatibility with Integrated Dynamics
#40 opened by ToxinZangoose - 1
Wisps do not seem to despawn
#41 opened by KundaPanda - 1
Craft spell does not accept single iotas, despite the book indicating that it should
#42 opened by beholderface - 3
[1.19.2-fabric] The slipway keep summoning wisps infinitely
#47 opened by vakus - 3
Patchouli book extension fails
#50 opened by JustinHuPrime - 1
Crash as soon as I try to use phase block spell
#51 opened by maraxin - 1
Smelting recipes that should give multiple items only give one
#52 opened by object-Object - 1
Crossing through the nether portal causes all loaded cyclic wisps owned by that player to lock up
#53 opened by computer-whisperer - 0
[Suggestion] some way to determine which dimension an entity is in
#54 opened by computer-whisperer - 1
[Suggestion] Some way to mute cyclic wisps
#55 opened by computer-whisperer - 2
A cyclic wisp spawning 2 other cyclic wisps in the same tick falsely triggers a recursion-depth fault
#56 opened by computer-whisperer - 2
Wisp bind does not clear on wisp death
#57 opened by computer-whisperer - 2
[1.19.2] Phase Block crash
#58 opened by itsdinkd - 1
Disabling phase block
#59 opened by itsdinkd - 1
[0.1.13] Links(receiving) are broken.
#60 opened by alexyzer - 1
[Feature] Bound wisp should be able to bypass spell execution queue
#61 opened by computer-whisperer - 0
[Suggestion] Make consume wisp permanently add media to circle reservoir instead of only that cast
#63 opened by FractalineHue - 2
TickingWisp.wispContainsPlayer() is causing performance issues
#64 opened by computer-whisperer - 3
Gate's Reflection serial number progression resets after server restart
#65 opened by computer-whisperer - 2
[Suggestion] Some way to remove slipways
#62 opened by object-Object - 6
Invalid player data when trying to create a new world
#74 opened by Sunconure11 - 2
Blacklist for Accelerate
#66 opened by Talia-12 - 1
Phase block still crashing even with blacklist spell
#67 opened by itsdinkd - 4
Wisps start malfunctioning if you have died during your current play session
#68 opened by beholderface - 3
Phase Block density issues
#69 opened by DrDuckedGoose - 2
0.2.16-0 Bugs
#76 opened by maraxin - 1
[Suggestion] Memorise Nexus
#81 opened by Talia-12