- 0
Hide name doesn't work on Sponge forge 1.12.2-2838-7.3.0
#18 opened by GONGON205 - 0
Localization support
#19 opened by thislooksfun - 0
Non-ops cannot execute the /name command.
#20 opened by Streaminfoweb - 0
Commands don't work in console & non-ops can't excute command (1.7.10)
#21 opened by Lightninge - 0
Morphing Name
#22 opened by iGorTha - 0
Name Hide Command Throws Exception [1.12.2] [Forge]
#23 opened by beelol - 2
Hide names of players in teams [/scoreboard issue]
#10 opened by Yaruno292 - 3
spam console
#11 opened by Mailovich - 1
Major Rewrite
#12 opened by skmedix - 1
Crash with Ftb utilites
#13 opened by Majgamer - 9
Don't work on 1.12.2 forge with sponge
#14 opened by ChukiStrike - 3
Journeymap Integration
#15 opened by mysticdrew - 1
What are the permissions?
#16 opened by TheRealFeeRGG - 0
Latest Version, Command Is Error, Sometimes Works, Sometimes Not.
#17 opened by Zhaaaaaaaaa - 1
Sponge Support
#1 opened by skmedix - 0
Add support for client-only hiding of names
#2 opened by thislooksfun - 8
Feature Request: Hide the Hide Message
#3 opened by PitchBright - 1
[Suggestion] Hide names only when player is not visible
#5 opened by Managarmr719 - 1
JounreyMap/map mods
#6 opened by CMCarlsen - 3
Commands doesn't work?
#7 opened by Thorixim - 0
Feature request: Hide players behind solid blocks
#8 opened by EnderStar - 4
Server crashes when using it.
#9 opened by LIvesz