Integrated Proxy is an addon mod for Integrated Dynamics. It allows you to redirect the part's target to another position.
How to Use
This mod has only one block (more planed), the access proxy here is a image of its gui.
1.The top right text box shows the proxy's target.
2.The botton in the middle allows you to change the position mode:
Relative Mode:The target pos is relative to the proxy block, for example: if you use 5 for the Y value, it means the target is 5 blocks on top of the proxy block.
Absolute Mode:The target pos is relative to the world's coordinate, for example: if you use 5 for the Y value, it means the y coordinate of the target is actually at y=5.
3.The X, Y, Z variable slot: you can put integer variable card in these slots, this will change the target position based on the pos mode.
4.The Display slot: You can put variable cards of any type in here, it will show the value of this variable on the target, just like a display panel. Just like the display panel, you can right click a side of the proxy block with a wrench to rotate the displayed value. (example images down below)
5.IntegratedTunnels parts can't break the access proxy block, so you don't have to worry about the proxy block being break when your variables have errors or something.
6.For modpack authors: you can change the max range of proxy block in the config file if you think infinite range is overpowered.
Also check out Integrated Additions mod for bind to a static position much easier!
Currently doesn't work with light panels, other parts all works fine with the access proxy, but if you have some problem, please post it on the github issues page.
Modpack policy
Of course! You can use this mod in your modpack, just remember to include this curseforge link in your modpack page.
Known issues
1.12 version of this mod currently have a bug that cause crash on loading world, my development environment is broken, will fix it once my environment has been fixed.
Read a block far away with access proxy.
Break a block far away with access proxy using Integrated Tunnels mod.
Drop items to the target with Integrated Tunnels mod.
Spawn some particles in the target position.
Read entities in the target position.
Access a inventory far away with Integrated Tunnels mod.
An example of use variable card to dynamicly change the target.
Autocrafting with Integrated Crafting mod.
Show a variable in the target pos.
Show a variable in the target pos.
Show a variable in the target pos and you can use wrench to rotate the displayed value.
The recipe of access proxy.