- 0
Incompatible with MixinBootstrap
#25 opened by hohserg1 - 2
Game Crash on initializing
#31 opened by 1Mangomaster1 - 7
Crash with Cyclops Core mod
#26 opened by DrSigma4164 - 1
Crash Report: Crash when given doubles as the coordinates instead of integers
#27 opened by met4000 - 0
Absolute pos mode is not saved correctly
#28 opened by richie3366 - 2
[1.12] NullPointerException: TileAccessProxy.onPlayerLogin
#29 opened by Krutoy242 - 2
Redstone writer strong power option not working with proxy.
#2 opened by Icoza - 2
Integrated Proxy null pointer exception when installed on server.
#3 opened by Icoza - 9
#1 opened by hanxiaoxin778 - 4
Writer/Reader error when using without integrated tunnels.
#4 opened by Icoza - 1
Changing the position a proxy is pointing to does not correctly update redstone when using a strong power redstone writer.
#5 opened by Icoza - 1
Proxy causes exception in server tick loop when pointing at itself with redstone writer attached
#6 opened by Icoza - 3
Redstone not updated upon breaking proxy block.
#8 opened by Icoza - 7
Breaking proxy by hand/tool other than wrench while a reader/writer is attached causes exception in server tick
#9 opened by Icoza - 1
Placing proxy on pre-existing interface or filtered interface breaks the proxy. (1.12/1.16)
#10 opened by Icoza - 4
Proxy accepts items like an inventory when attached to existing item interface or filtered item interface on a network with item importers/exporters in 1.16
#11 opened by Icoza - 14
- 6
Proxy connection remains after breaking block. (1.12) and #12 occurs in 1.16
#13 opened by Icoza - 6
Redstone writer attached to proxy causes lag and log spam.
#14 opened by Icoza - 7
#7 opened by hanxiaoxin778 - 0
Proxy connected to existing redstone writer doesn't power blocks the proxy is pointing to until network update on redstone writer. (1.12 confirmed/1.16 confirmed)
#18 opened by Icoza - 1
- 1
Placing proxy against powered redstone writer and cable attached to the same network causes null pointer exception and execution exception. (1.12 confirmed/1.16 confirmed)
#16 opened by Icoza - 1
- 0
ClassCastException when loading world
#20 opened by shBLOCK - 12
mine crash with simple modpach
#21 opened by ferreiraalex - 11
Block Properties not updating when using a Block Reader with a proxy
#22 opened by DraGonFiirE - 7
Servercrash when updating to 1.0.17
#23 opened by DraGonFiirE - 3
Servercrash when breaking logic cable
#24 opened by DraGonFiirE